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Subregional workshop to share experience in the implementation of the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health for countries of Central Asia

21 - 22 October 2013
Alamaty Kazakhstan

The subregional workshop to share experience in the implementation of the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health for countries of Central Asia was held on 21 and 22 October 2013 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The workshop was organized jointly by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Government of Kazakhstan, with support from the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) and the WHO/Europe secretariat. It was a fifth subregional workshop organized under the programme of work of the Protocol for 2011-2013 within the regional project supported by the Government of Finland.

The workshop provided an opportunity for more than 30 decisions makers and experts representing the environment, water management and health sectors of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to exchange experience and discuss challenges related to the Protocol’s implementation.

The workshop specifically aimed to:

  • Facilitate exchange of countries’ experiences on the regulatory, institutional and technical aspects connected with the implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health, in particular in relation to the cooperation of the water, health and environment sectors;
  • Share information on the process of development and adoption of targets under the Protocol, as well as on the implementation of measures to achieve such targets;
  • Present, discuss and identify solutions for the main challenges in the process of setting targets and other issues related to the Protocol’s implementation;
  • Discuss water and health issues common to all countries of Central Asia.



Programme of the workshop PDF PDF
Concept note PDF  
Report PDF  
List of participants PDF



Input of CAREC in promoting the Protocol on Water and Health in Central Asia,

Ms. Yekaterina Strikeleva, CAREC


Obligation under the Protocol related to surveillance of water related disease and the experience of Hungary in this field,

Ms. Marta Vargha, National Institute for Environmental Health, Hungary

Organizing research on analysis of effectiveness of the Protocol on Water and Health for Kazakhstan   PDF
Organizing the process of target setting under the Protocol on Water and Health in Kazakhstan   PDF
Oxfam in Tajikistan: Water and Sanitation Program PDF  

Possible application of the Protocol in Uzbekistan,

Ms. R. Zhumabaeva, National Centre for Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspectorate, Uzbekistan


Public participation in implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health,

Ms. Emma Anakhasyan, “Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment” NGO


Setting and implementation of targets in Hungary,

Ms. Marta Vargha, National Institute for Environmental Health, Hungary


Setting and implementation of targets in the Republic of Moldova,

Mr. Ion SALARU, National Centre of Public Health, National Focal Point for the Protocol on Water and Health


Small Scale Water Supplies

Mr.Oliver Schmoll, WHO/Europe


Tajikistan Water Supply And Sanitation Project,

Network of stakeholder organizations on Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation

Target setting under the Protocol on Water and Health in Tajikistan   PDF

The UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health Its main obligations & implementation, with focus on target setting,

Mr. Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE


Water Safety Planning

Oliver Schmoll, WHO/Europe


Water supply in remote rural areas

Yekaterina Strikeleva, CAREC