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Inception and capacity building workshop for the project “Strengthening trans-boundary water governance and cooperation in the IGAD region”

14 - 16 December 2016
Nairobi Kenya

This workshop was organized under the framework of the project “Strengthening Transboundary Water Governance in the IGAD Region", implemented by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Secretariat, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES). It convened members of IGAD’s Technical Advisory Committee on Water along with the IGAD Secretariat, project partners and regional and international experts and partners. 

During the workshop:

  • The project “Strengthening Transboundary Water Governance in the IGAD Region” was launched
  • The demonstration basin for promoting transboundary water cooperation and carrying out a Benefit Opportunities Assessment Dialogue was identified
  • Capacity building on benefit opportunities assessments and benefit sharing was delivered
  • A timeline for next steps of the project was agreed.

News release: UNECE and partners launch project to support transboundary water cooperation in the Horn of Africa



Documents ENG
Agenda PDF
Summary of the project "Strengthening Transboundary Water Governance in the IGAD Region" PDF
Report, including list of participants PDF


Presentations ENG