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National meeting on strengthening understanding of the Water Convention in Uganda towards possible accession

15 November 2019
Kampala Uganda

With a view to possible accession of Uganda to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention), a national meeting was organized on 15 November by the Ugandan Ministry of Water and Environment to increase awareness and understanding of the Convention with officials including those from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development.

Held at the Ministry’s Kampala headquarters, the Water Convention Secretariat were invited to make presentations aimed at contributing to the comprehensive understanding by Ugandan officials of the Water Convention, its provisions and obligations, its work on the ground, clarify misconceptions, as well as the benefits and possible challenges for Uganda to accede to it, in order to facilitate the country’s preparations for potential accession. The Ugandan Ministry of Water and Environment presented on the country’s transboundary water cooperation context, activities and experiences. A representative from Ghana provided national-level context on the rationale and current experience of joining both global UN Water Conventions and overview of accession processes. The meeting concluded with outlining Uganda’s accession process and officials subsequently setting out next steps that are involved for them to take.

Documents and Presentations

Documents and Presentations ENG
Agenda for the meeting PDF
Ugandan Ministry of Water and Environment Presentation PDF
Water Convention Secretariat Presentation 1 PDF
Water Convention Secretariat Presentation 2 PDF
Ghana presentation PDF