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Third Session of the Joint Task Force on Environmental Indicators

11 - 13 July 2011
Geneva Switzerland


Updated:October 07 15:55 CEST 2011

ECE/CES/GE.33/2011 /...

  DocumentTitle ENG FRE RUS


Annotated Provisional Agenda PDF
9 May.11
9 May.11


Corrigendum - Annotated Provisional Agenda PDF
26 May.11
3 Jun.11


Revised terms of reference for the Joint Task Force on Environmental Indicators for 2011-2012 PDF


Final list of participants PDF


Report of the meeting PDF
07 Oct.11
   Decisions of the Joint Task Force      PDF
8 Aug.11
4. Review of the Guidelines on the Applications of Environmental Indicators


Summary PDF
07 Sept.11
07 Sept.11


National review of Albania     PDF
12 Jul.11


National review of Armenia     PDF
20 Jun.11


National review of Azerbaijan     PDF
27 Jun.11
  National review of the Azerbaijan Waters     PDF
08 Aug.11


National review of Belarus     PDF
24 Jun.11


National review of Bosnia and Herzegovina PDF
07 Jul.11


National review of Georgia PDF
18 Aug.11


National review of Kazakhstan     PDF
27 Jun.11


National review of Kyrgyzstan     PDF
28 Jun.11


National review of Moldova     PDF
05 Sep.11


National review of Montenegro PDF
23 Jun.11


National review of the Russian Federation     PDF
05 Jul.11


National review of Serbia PDF
08 Jul.11


National review of Tajikistan     PDF
12 Jul.11


National review of the Tajikistan Waters     PDF
07 Jul.11


National review of the Ukraine     PDF
12 Jul.11


National review of Uzbekistan     PDF
23 Jun.11


National review of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia PDF
20 Jun.11
5. Consideration of indicators of inland and sea water not covered by the Guidelines


Indicators of inland and sea water not covered by the Guidelines PDF
29 Jun.11
29 Jun.11
6. Discussion of developments and plans for future work on indicators under a project for countries in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and the Russian Federation


Towards a Shared Environmental Information System in the European Neighbourhood’ project (ENPI-SEIS) PDF
04 Jul.11
04 Jul.11


UNECE: Summary of country reviews     PPT
02 Aug.11


Norway: Norweegian surveys on pesticides use in agriculture PPT
29 Jul.11


UNEP/Ozone secretariat: Consumption of ozone depleting substances PPT
29 Jul.11


UNCCD: UNCCD reporting and review PPT
29 Jul.11


UNECE: Indicators of inland and sea water not covered by the Guidelines PPT
02 Aug.11


UNSD: Water accounts and statistics PPT
29 Aug.11


UNSD: Partnership to move forward PPT
29 Jul.11


Black Sea Commission: Environmental data collection within The Black Sea Commission PPT
29 Jul.11


29 Jul.11