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Fourteenth session Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane

07 - 08 November 2019
Room XI, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

Fourteen Annual Session

The first day of the session featured a joint session organized by the Groups of Experts on Coal Mine Methane (CMM) and on Cleaner Electricity Systems (CES) during which participants discussed the role of fossil fuels in the future energy mix. That item was followed by the ninth joint meeting of the Group of Experts on CMM and the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) Coal Subcommittee. 

On 8 November, the Group reviewed the accomplishments achieved under the 2018-2019 work plan, discussed the work plan for 2020-2021, explored research needs in the field of CMM, and addressed gender-related issues, such as barriers impeding women from entering the coal industry, as well as those hindering their professional development at the later stages of their careers. As during the session the Group presented its new publication, i.e. "Best Practice Guidance for Effective Methane Recovery and Use from Abandoned Coal Mines", special focus was given to problems faced by women as a result of the gradual phase-out of coal in many countries around the world, and to particular challenges faced by female employees in the aftermath of the mine closure.

To learn more about the panel discussion on women in the coal sector please read a news article on that matter.

The second day of the meeting also featured the International Centres of Excellence on CMM (ICE-CMM) in Poland and China, which reported on their activities.

In addition, on Thursday, 7 November, following a joint session of the Groups of Experts on CMM and CES, a meeting between the Chairs of the two Groups, Mr. Raymond Pilcher and Mr. Barry Worthington respectively, and the UNECE Executive Secretary, Ms. Olga Algayerova, was held, during which issues related to functioning of both Group and to positioning of UNECE in the debate on the future of energy were discussed, allowing the Chairs to present to the Executive Secretary the achievements of the Groups, their vision for the future, and difficulties which they face in implementing their mandated programs. 



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Practical information


Document Title & Symbol ENG FRE RUS
Item 1. Adoption of the agenda       
Agenda for the fourteenth session
Detailed Timetable (draft) PDF    
Report of the 13th session of the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane 
Item 3.  Opening remarks      
Opening Remarks by Mr. Raymond Pilcher, Chair of the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane PDF    
Item 4.  Role of fossil fuels in decarbonizing energy systems      
Attaining carbon-neutrality in the ECE region by 2050 – a discussion paper about the role of clean fossil fuels in sustainable energy” (ECE/ENERGY/2019/2)  PDF PDF PDF
Item 5.  Update on implementation of the work plan for 2018 - 2019      
Work plan of the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane for 2018-2019
Item 6. Work plan for 2020 - 2021      
Work plan of the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane for 2020-2021
Item 9. Adoption of conclusions and recommendations       
Draft conclusions and recommendations PDF    
Item 10. Adoption of the report and close of the meeting      
Report of the 14th session of the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane )

Presentations GMI

Presentation Title & Author ENG FRE RUS
Agenda of the Coal Subcommittee Meeting PDF    
Administrative Support Group Update
ASG Updates and the Global Methane Challenge
Ms. Monica Shimamura, GMI Administrative Support Group
Partner Country Updates
China PDF    
India PDF    
Poland PDF    
United States PDF    
CMM Incentives and Market Opportunities
Incentives for CMM and AMM Project Opportunities in China
Mr. Han Jiaye, China Coal Information Institute
Incentives for CMM and Carbon Markets in the United States
Mr. Phil Kong, Advanced Resources International
Global Carbon Markets and Incentives for CMM Projects
Mr. Clark Talkington, Advanced Resources International
Subcommittee Report PDF    
Upcoming Events for Subcommittee Participation PDF    
Subcommittee Action Plan: Update and Future Priorities Discussion PDF    
Any Other Business
Invitation to hold the 2021 Session of the UNECE’s Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and GMI Coal Subcommittee Meeting at Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre during the 26th World Mining Congress, 20-22 July 2021, Brisbane Australia
Mr. Jacek Skiba, on Behalf of Mr. Hua Gua

Presentations 14th CMM

Presentation Title & Author ENG FRE RUS
Agenda Item 4. Role of fossil fuels in decarbonizing energy systems.      
Activities of Group of Experts on CES – potential for cooperation
Mr. Barry Worthington, Chair, Group of Experts on CES
Pathways project – outcomes related to fossil fuels
Ms. Iva Brkic, Economic Affairs Officer, SED


Energy Policy for Poland - basic data
Mr. Leon Kurczabinski, Vice-Chair, Group of Experts on CES
Agenda Item 6. Report on implementation of the work plan for 2018-2019.      
Report on implementation of the work plan for 2018-2019
Mr. Michal Drabik, Economic Affairs Officer, SED
Best practices on methane recovery and use from abandoned coal mines - Overview
Mr. Clark Talkington, Vice-Chair, Group of Experts on CMM
A risk management tool - Overview
Mr. David Creedy, Vice-Chair, Group of Experts on CMM
Report of ICE-CMM in Poland
Mr. Piotr Kasza, Member of the Board, ICE-CMM Poland
Report of ICE-CMM in China
Mr. Jin Zhixin, Chairman, ICE-CMM China
Report on CMM-related activities in Russia
Mr. Sergey Shumkov, Vice-Chair, Group of Experts on CMM
Agenda Item 7. Cooperation and partnerships.      
Presentation on Francaise de l’Energie’s work in northern France
Mr. Julien Moulin, Chairman, Francaise de l’Energie
Research needs in the field of coal mine methane – RFCS
Mr. Lucas Jansen, Policy Officer, DG Research and Innovation, D4 – Coal and Steel, European Commission
Agenda Item 8. Work plan for 2020-2021.      
Presentation of the Work Plan for 2020-2021
Mr. Michal Drabik, Economic Affairs Officer, SED
Future of the Group of Experts - a view by:
Mr. David Creedy, Vice-Chair, Group of Experts on CMM
Agenda Item 9. Gender issues in the coal mining industry.      
Gender Issues in the Coal Mining Industry
Ms. Elizabeth Clausen, Head, Department, Institute for Advanced Mining Technologies, RWTH Aachen
Mine closure impacts on women and girls: Applying a social value approach
Ms. Bobbie Foot, Head of Health, Safety and Environment, BMA Coal Division, BHP
Coal Mine Closure and Effects on Women a Perspective from the U.S.
Ms. Kray Luxbacher, Associate Department Head, Mining and Minerals Engineering, Virginia Tech
Women in Mining
Ms. Sandra Seabela, Mining Engineer, Assmang – Khumani Mine
Agenda Item 11. Any other business.      
Mining speed control in the coal panels with high coal output concentration 
Mr. Jacek Skiba, Vice-Chair, Group of Experts on CMM