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UNECE and IAEA Interregional Workshop on Uranium, Coal and Oil & Gas Classification: Towards a better understanding of Energetic Basins and Application of UNFC-2009

16 - 19 August 2016
Ulaan Baatar Mongolia

Organizers: UNECE and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in collaboration with the Government of Mongolia through the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry, Mongolia

Workshop language: English

Objective: The key objective of the workshop is to introduce experts to the practical application of the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources 2009 (UNFC-2009) in classifying resources such as uranium, thorium coal and oil & gas in energetic basins. The course will focus on the following topics of interest:

  1. Application of UNFC-2009 to nuclear fuel resources, coal and oil & gas;
  2. Specification and Bridging Documents for the application to various commodities;
  3. Guidelines on use of UNFC-2009 for uranium resources;
  4. Best practices in the application of UNFC-2009 for uranium and thorium projects;
  5. Case studies in the application of UNFC-2009;
  6. Live exercises on application of UNFC–2009; and
  7. UNFC–2009 as a medium for social licensing and stakeholder communications.

Expected outputs: One of the main outputs anticipated from the workshop is sharing of experiences and strengthening of a professional network among the participating countries. The exchange of knowledge and experience between workshop participants and workshop staff will result in an acquisition of knowledge and skills by participants. The course will involve exercises on the application UNFC-2009 and its consistent use.

For more information and/or to participate, please send an email to:[email protected]

NEWS: UNECE brings resource classification to Mongolia



Presentation Title & Author ENG FRE RUS
Introduction to UNFC and the Expert Group on Resource Classification, its Activities and Standing Committees
Charlotte Griffiths, UNECE
UNFC-2009 Jump Start – How it works
On behalf of the EGRC by Hari Tulsidas, IAEA and Vice-Chair, EGRC
Case Study: Application of UNFC-2009 to Uranium Resources and Associated Critical Materials in Argentina
Luis López, CNEA
Considerations Related to the Application of UNFC-2009 to Uranium Projects and Associated Resources in Paraguay
Luis López
Zoovch Ovoo and Dulaan Uul uranium deposits: application of international reporting standards for mineral resources and ore reserves
Sébastien Hocquet, Geosciences Director COGEGOBI LLC
Energy basins and sustainable energy resource management using UNFC-2009
Hari Tulsidas, IAEA, Division of Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology, Vice-Chairman, Expert Group on Resource Classification
Developing Technology and Management of Sustainable Uranium Extraction
Michael Haschke, EurGeol, Accredited Competent Person for Reporting of Exploration Results, Resources and Reserves
UNFC-2009 - Red Book Classification
Jean René Blaise
Uranium as By and Co-Product- Geological types
Jean René Blaise
Application of the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources 2009 to the Coal resource of the Ukhaa Khudag (Tavan Tolgoi) Coking Coal Deposit, Mongolia
Lkhagva-Ochir Said and Gary Ballantine
Application of UNFC-2009 to the Uranium Resources of the Gurvanbulag uranium Deposit, Mongolia
LI Shengxiang, CNNC and Harikrishnan Tulsidas, IAEA
The MRC Code: Mongolian Resource Classification for public reporting and its interrelationship with UNFC-2009
Oyungerel Bayanjargal, Executive Director, The MPIGM MRC Representative on CRIRSCO
Application of UNFC-2009 to phosphate rock – uranium resources: A case study of the El-Sebaeya Projects, Nile Valley, Egypt
Mohamed Taha, Egypt
Africa Mining Vision and UNFC-2009: Towards an overarching standard for resource management in Africa
Cassius Chiwambo, Malawi and Tunde Arisekola, Nigeria
How UNFC -2009 Standards are Planned to be Implemented  in Nigeria and Africa
Arisekola Tunde, Mukadas Tijani and Maspalma Samson Stanley (NGSA)
UNFC-2009 Applied to Thorium (REE) Resources / Projects of Argentina
Luis López
Project INT2/019: Developing Technology and Management of Sustainable Uranium Extraction
Michael Haschke
Feasibility studies
Jean René Blaise
UNFC-2009 Evaluator Competency Requirements
Hari Tulsidas