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Training Workshop on Business Process Analysis in International Trade

23 June - 25 September 2015
Moscow Russian Federation

Training Workshop on Business Process Analysis in International Trade and a Joint Workshop on Trade Facilitation and the Single Window, 23-25 September 2015 at the Eurasian Economic Commission in Moscow.


  • Eurasian Economic Commission
  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
  • United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

Purpose and objectives:
The purpose of this workshop on Business Process Analysis (BPA) is to assist the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in the preparation of experts from government agencies to carry out business process analyses to provide realistic assessment of the development of national Single Window mechanisms.

The seminar is planned to provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to:

  • describe current «as is» business processes,
  • determine the extent and level of automation of business processes,
  • identify administrative barriers and bottlenecks in the transition from paper to electronic documents.

Target audience:
Representatives of government agencies, trade and freight forwarding organizations in the EAEU Member States involved in national Single Window projects, with experience in the analysis and optimization of business processes.

Expected number of participants:
25-30 from the EAEU Member States.

Workshop materials:

Expected results:
Trained experts will be ready to:

  1. Carry out BPA and assessment of the level of development of national Single Window projects (with regard to BPA), in accordance with the methodology of assessing the development of national Single Window mechanisms;
  2. Provide consultations to experts at the national level, who will take part in BPA for trade facilitation.


Agenda      English     Russian