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Inter-regional Workshop and Study Tour on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Projects and Policies 8 - 12 February 2015

08 - 12 February 2015

The Workshop and Study Tour organized jointly by the UNECE and the Government of Israel is designed for Government officials, project developers and owners, and experts in the field of sustainable use of energy from countries of South-Eastern and Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia.

It will provide knowledge on energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, which concerns both the regulatory and policy requirements and technical aspects that countries would need to deal with when attracting and implementing investments.


Document Title & Symbol ENG FRE RUS
Timetable / Pасписание PDF   PDF
Information Note PDF    

Opening Presentations

Presentation Title & Author ENG RUS

Presentations by participants

Presentations ENG RUS
Albania - Mr.  Artan Leskoviku PDF  
Armenia - Mr. Vahram Jalalyan PDF  
Armenia - Mr.  Mikayel Koshkaryan PDF  
Azerbaijan - Ms. Nurangiz Farajullayeva   PDF
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - Mr. Aleksandar Dukovski PDF  
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - Mr. Dejan Filiposki PDF  
Georgia - Mr. George Abulashvili PDF  
Georgia - Ms. Natalia Jamburia PDF  
Kazakhstan - Mr. Abay Kulanbay   PDF
Kyrgyzstan - Mr. Maratbek Cholponkulov   PDF
Montenegro - Ms. Natasa Kovacevic PDF  
Montenegro - Ms. Lucija Rakocevic PDF  
Serbia - Mr. Milos Banjac PDF  
Serbia - Mr. Predrag Milanovic PDF  
Tajikistan - Mr. Khayrullo Qurbonaliev   PDF
Turkmenistan - Mr. Arslanmyrat Zomov   PDF
Ukraine - Mr. Ruslan Rudenko   PDF
Uzbekistan - Mr. Romen Zakhidov PDF  



Presentations ENG RUS
Renewable Energy Overview, Dr. Gideon Friedman, Office of the Chief Scientist, Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources PDF  
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Ms. Adi Dishon, Managing Director, The Weitz Center for Development Studies PDF  
Eilat Eilot Renewable Energy Ltd. PDF  
Fundamentals of Energy Efficiency for Regulators-Policy Deployment and Mainstreaming, Mr. Z'ev Gross PDF  
Renewable Energy Benefits to the Israeli Electricity Market, Mr. Netanel Oded, National Economic Council PDF  
Smart Urban iT and Strategies - Civic Smartness for Dynamic Cities, Mr. Rafi Reich PDF  
Vertical and horizontal collaborations for Implementation of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policies: Concepts and Platforms, Mr. Yossi Offer, InterLoc Development PDF

Field Visits

Presentations ENG RUS
Alfa Smart - Super Nova PDF  
Aora Solar Energy Local Power PDF  
Chakratee - Unlimited Smart Storage PDF  
Chromagen Solar Water Solutions PDF  
Dan Region Association of Towns, Sanitation and Solid Waste Disposal PDF  
Eltan Ein-Hashofet - Optimize your lighting system PDF
Gigawat Global - Executive Summary PDF  
HomeBioGas - Turning Waste into Energy PDF  

Information Report

Information Report PDF