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Fifty-seventh meeting of the Compliance Committee to the Aarhus Convention

27 - 30 June 2017
Geneva Switzerland
Document title Eng Fre Rus
Provisional agenda for the 57th meeting of the Compliance Committee (ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2017/5) PDF PDF PDF
Provisional timeline for the 57th meeting of the Compliance Committee (version 23.06.2017) PDF - -
Report of the 57th meeting of the Compliance Committee (ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2017/6) PDF PDF PDF
Background document for Committee's report to MOP6: Modus operandi (please send any comments/suggestions to [email protected] by 12pm CET 14 June 2017) PDF - -
Background document for Committee's report to MOP6: General compliance issues (please send any comments/suggestions to [email protected] by 12pm CET 14 June 2017) PDF - -
Findings and recommendations with regard to communication ACCC/C/2008/32 (part II) concerning compliance by European Union (ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2017/7) PDF PDF PDF
Findings and recommendations with regard to request ACCC/M/2014/1 concerning compliance by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2017/8) PDF PDF PDF
Open statement by the Committee regarding its findings on communication ACCC/C/2008/32 (part II) concerning the European Union PDF - -
Statement by presented during open session on "Relevant developments" on 27.06.2017 PDF - -