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Twenty-first meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention

04 - 06 April 2017
Salle XII, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

The twenty-first meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention was held on 4-6 April 2017 in Geneva (Palais des Nations, Salle XII). The Working Group reviewed the progress in implementing the current work programme and discussed a number of items in preparation for the sixth ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties (Montenegro, 11-14 September 2017).


Draft decisions 

The Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention at its twentieth meeting (Geneva, 15-17 June 2016) requested the Bureau to prepare the following draft decisions for the sixth session of the Meeting of the Parties:

• Draft decision on access to information

• Draft decision on public participation in decision-making

• Draft decision on promoting effective access to justice

• Draft decision on promoting the application of the principles of the Convention in international forums

• Draft decision on the work programme for 2018-2021 

• Draft decision on financial arrangements under the Convention 

The above draft decisions were prepared by the Bureau on the basis of the relevant outcomes of the twentieth meeting of the Working Group of the Parties; the Notes by the Chairs of the Convention’s Task Forces (AC/WGP–20/Inf.1; AC/WGP–20/Inf.2; and AC/WGP–20/Inf.3), by the Chair of the Compliance Committee (AC/WGP–20/Inf.4) and by the Chair of the Thematic Session on the Promotion of the Principles of the Convention in International Forums (AC/WGP–16/Inf.5), submitted to the twentieth meeting of the Working Group of the Parties, and relevant decisions on the respective subject matters, adopted by the Meeting of the Parties at its fifth session (Maastricht, the Netherlands, 30 June-1 July 2014).

All draft decisions were distributed to Parties and stakeholders on 27 September 2016 for comments with the deadline to respond before 7 November 2016. The draft declaration was also made available to Parties to both treaties and all stakeholders for comments. National focal points for the Convention and the Protocol were requested to coordinate their comments on the document and to submit to the secretariat one consolidated input per country, before 18 November 2016. Upon completion of the round of consultations, the Bureau considered the comments received and finalised the draft decisions for their submission to the twenty-first meeting of the Working Group of the Parties. 

The Working Group of the Parties is expected at its twenty-first meeting (Geneva, 4-6 April 2017) to consider and approve the draft decisions and submit them to the Meeting of the Parties at its sixth session for consideration. 

Draft Declaration

The Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention at its twentieth meeting (Geneva, 15-17 June 2016) requested the Bureau to prepare, in light of the comments provided at the meeting, a draft declaration, jointly with the Protocol’s Bureau, for its submission to the twenty-first meeting of the Working Group for consideration and approval and subsequent submission to the Meeting of the Parties for consideration. 

Pursuant to this decision, the draft declaration was made available for comments through this webpage (see below). It was at the same time submitted to the fifth meeting Working Group of the Parties to the Protocol (23-24 November 2016) and also made available to Parties to both treaties and stakeholders for comments. 

Following the consultations, the document was revised, taking into consideration the comments received, and is submitted to the Convention’s Working Group of the Parties at its twenty-first meeting. The document will then be revised again by the two Bureaux, in the light of the comments received, and submitted to the Meetings of the Parties for consideration at their joint high-level session in September 2017.

Draft provisional agenda for the sixth session of the Meeting of the Parties

The Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention at its twentieth meeting (Geneva, 15-17 June 2016) requested the Bureau to prepare, in light of the comments provided at the meeting, a draft provisional agenda for the sixth session of the Meeting of the Parties for its submission to the twenty-first meeting of the Working Group for consideration and approval and subsequent submission to the Meeting of the Parties for consideration. As there was a general support to the draft outline of the agenda submitted to the twentieth meeting of the Working Group of the Parties (see document ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2016/10 available from the document was not amended after the meeting. 

The draft agenda was circulated for comments to Parties and stakeholders following which it was revised by the Bureau and submitted to the Convention’s Working Group of the Parties at its twenty-first meeting for approval. 


Documents ENG FRE RUS
Provisional Agenda, (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/1) PDF PDF PDF
Report. (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/2) PDF PDF PDF
List of Participants PDF    
List of key decisions and outcomes (AC/WGP-21/Inf.1)   PDF    
Item 3 (a)      
Report of the Task Force on Access to Information on its fifth meeting,(ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/4)




Accompanying document to the summary report on the assessment of the implementation of the recommendations of the Meeting of the Parties on Electronic Information Tools (AC/WGP-21/Inf.2) PDF    
Draft decision on promoting effective access to information, (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/L.1) DOC
Approved draft decision on access to information (AC/WGP-21/CRP.1) PDF    
Item 3 (b)      
Report of the Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-making on its seventh meeting, (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/5) PDF PDF PDF
Draft decision on promoting effective public participation in decision-making,  (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/L.2) DOC
Approved draft decision on promoting effective public participation in decision-making (AC/WGP-21/CRP.2) PDF    
Item 3 (c)      
Report of the Task Force on Access to Justice on its ninth meeting, (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/6) PDF PDF PDF
Draft decision on promoting effective access to justice (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/L.3) DOC
Approved draft decision on promoting effective access to justice (AC/WGP-21/CRP.3) PDF    
Item 3 (d)      
Report on the second joint round table on public awareness, access to information and public participation regarding living modified organisms/genetically modified organisms advance edited copy (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/8) PDF    
Item 6      
Report on the implementation of the work programme for 2015–2017, (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/3) PDF PDF PDF
Report on contributions and expenditures in relation to the implementation of the work programme for 2015–2017, (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/7) PDF PDF PDF
Note on contributions and pledges received after 10 January 2017 PDF    
Item 7      
Draft decision on promoting the application of the principles of the Convention in international forums, (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/L.4) DOC
Approved draft decision on promoting the application of the principles of the Convention in international forums ((AC/WGP-21/CRP.4) PDF    
Item 8 (a)      
Draft provisional agenda for the sixth session of the Meeting of the Parties,  (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/L.8) DOC
Item 8 (b)      
Draft decision on the work programme for 2018–2021, (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/L.5) DOC
Item 8 (c)      
Draft decision on financial arrangements under the Convention, (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/L.6) DOC
Approved draft decision on financial arrangements under the Convention (AC/WGP-21/CRP.6/Rev.1) PDF    
Draft decision on financial arrangements under the Convention, as revised at the meeting (AC/WGP-21/CRP.6) DOC    
Item 8 (d)      
Draft decision on reporting requirements (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/L.9) DOC
Approved draft decision on reporting requirements (AC/WGP-21/CRP.7) PDF    
Item 8 (e)      
Draft Budva Declaration on Environmental Democracy for Our Sustainable Future prepared by the Bureaux of the Meetings of the Parties, (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/L.7) DOC
Approved draft Budva Declaration on Environmental Democracy for Our Sustainable Future prepared by the Bureaux of the Meetings of the Parties(AC/WGP-21/CRP.5/Rev.1) PDF    
Draft Budva Declaration on Environmental Democracy for Our Sustainable Future prepared by the Bureaux of the Meetings of the Parties, as revised at the meeting (AC/WGP-21/CRP.5) DOC    




Comments received on documents prepared for 21st meeting of WGP-2nd round

Comments by the EU and its Member States  
Draft decision on promoting effective public access to information DOC
Draft decision on promoting effective public participation in decision-making DOC
Draft decision on promoting the application of the principles of the Convention in international forums DOC
Draft decision on reporting requirements DOC
Draft elements of possible financial arrangements DOC
Draft Budva Declaration DOC
Comments by Aarhus Center, Belarus  
Draft Budva Declaration DOC
Comments by NGOs  
Draft decision on promoting the application of the principles of the Convention in international forums DOC
Draft Budva Declaration DOC

Documents for consultations and comments received-1st round

Documents subject to consultation prior to the thirty-ninth Bureau meeting – 1st round ( 13-14 December 2016)  
Draft decision on promoting effective public access to information DOC
Draft decision on promoting effective public participation in decision-making DOC
Draft decision on promoting effective access to justice DOC
Draft decision on promoting the application of the principles of the Convention in international forums DOC
Draft decision on the work programme for 2018–2021 DOC
Draft elements of possible financial arrangements DOC
Draft Budva Declaration, advance edited copy (ECE/MP.PRTR/WG.1/2016/13)



Comments received
Draft decision on promoting effective public access to information  
Comments by the EU and its Member States


Comments by Georgia DOC
Draft decision on promoting effective public participation in decision-making


Comments by the EU and its Member States


Draft decision on promoting effective access to justice
Comments by the EU and its Member States


Draft decision on promoting the application of the principles of the Convention in international forums
Comments by the EU and its Member States


Draft decision on the work programme for 2018–2021
Comments by the EU and its Member States


Comments by Switzerland DOC

Draft elements of possible financial arrangements
Comments by the EU and its Member States


Comments by Switzerland DOC
Draft Budva Declaration  

Comments by the EU and its Member States
Comments by Georgia DOC
Comments by ELRC DOC
Comments by REC CEE DOC

PPIF Thematic Session

Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Provisional Programme of the thematic session on the promotion of the Aarhus Convention's principles in international forums-with speakers (AC/WGP-21/Inf.4) PDF    
Note on the rules of procedure and practices of the European Environment and Health Process (AC/WGP-21/Inf.6) PDF    
Summary of the key outcomes of the survey on the promotion of the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the European Environment and Health Process PDF    
Statements, presentations and other relevant documents
Stakeholder engagement in global and regional follow-up and review of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals,
written statement by the UNECE secretariat
Stakeholder engagement in the United Nations Environment Assembly and the UNEP's access to information policies
Written statement by UN Environment
Experiences gained and lessons learned from COP 22/CMP 12/CMA 1 regarding observer engagement
Written statement by UNFCCC secretariat
Public participation in international processes related to Chemical Management
Written statement by Center for International Environmental Law
Public participation in the UNFCCC process
Written statement by Center for International Environmental Law
Eliminating environmental threats to human health requires transparent decision-making and public participation, Summary article on the thematic discussion of the Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention on the European Environment and Health Process, UNECE Weekly, No 707      
Promoting the principles of the AC in the Environment and Health process. Presentation by the Ministry of Environment of Albania PDF    
Participation of NGOs in the Bodies of the European Environment and Health Process. Presentation by Women Engage for a Common Future on behalf of European ECO Forum PDF  


Statement by Georgia      
Item 2 - Status of ratification of the Convention and the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers, item 3 (a) - Access to information and item 3 (b) Public participation in decision-making PDF    
Statements by Norway      
Item 3 (c) - Access to Justice PDF    
Item 7 - Promotion of the principles of the Convention in international forums PDF    
Item 8 (c) - Financial arrangements PDF    
Item 10 - Other Business PDF    
Statements by EU and its Member States       
Item 3 (a) - Access to information PDF    
Item 3 (b) - Public participation in decision-making PDF    
Item 3 (c) -  Access to justice PDF    
Item 3 (d) - Genetically modified organisms PDF    
Item 4 (a) - Compliance mechanism PDF    

Item 4 (b) - Capacity-building and awareness-raising

Item 5 - Promotion of the Convention and relevant developments and interlinkages PDF    
Item 6 - Implementation of the work programme for 2015-2017, including financial matters PDF    
Item 7 - Promotion of the principles of the Convention in international forums PDF    
Item 8 (a) - Agenda of the sixth session of the Meeting of the Parties PDF    
Item 8 (b) - Programme of work for 2018-2021 PDF    
Item 8 (c) - Financial arrangements under the Convention PDF    
Item 8 (d) - Reporting requirements PDF    
Item 8 (e) - Draft Budva Declaration PDF    
Item 10 - Other Business (NGO allegations against Belarus) PDF    
Statement by Belarus      
Item 10 - Other business (reply to the statement of the European ECO Forum) PDF    
Statement by European ECO Forum      
Item 10 - Other business concerning situation in Belarus PDF