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Economic overview 

UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (2021-2025) 


UNECE is a signatory of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework and contributes in particular to the following strategic priorities: 

  • Outcome 1.1: By 2025, people, in particular disadvantaged groups, have better access to quality basic services and opportunities. 

  • Outcome 1.2: By 2025, women and girls have improved and equal access to resources, opportunities and rights, and enjoy a life without violence and discrimination. 

  • Outcome 1.3: By 2025, Persons under the Law on Foreigners and International Protection are supported towards self-reliance. 

  • Outcome 2.1: By 2025, public institutions and private sector contribute to a more inclusive, sustainable and innovative industrial and agricultural development, and equal and decent work opportunities for all, in cooperation with the social partners. 

  • Outcome 3.1: By 2025, all relevant actors take measures to accelerate climate action, to promote responsible production and consumption, to improve the management of risks and threats to people, to ensure sustainable management of the environment and natural resources in urban and ecosystem hinterlands. 

  • Outcome 4.1: By 2025, governance systems are more transparent, accountable, inclusive and rights-based with the participation of civil society; and the quality of judiciary services is improved. 

  • Outcome 4.2: By 2025, the effectiveness of the international protection and migration management system is improved. 

UNECE works in close cooperation with the Resident Coordinator and the United Nations Country Team


Key highlights 


UNECE cooperates with Türkiye to improve coal mining safety and lower the environmental impact of the local coal industry through efficient capture and use of coal mine methane (SDG7).  


Although a signatory of the Air Convention, as well as a Party to the EMEP Protocol that regularly reports its emission inventory, the country is encouraged to ratify the key protocols to the Convention, namely the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone (Gothenburg Protocol), the Protocol on Heavy Metals, the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) - (SDG3, SDG12 and SDG13). 


Türkiye’s forest cover is 28.9% with the most common tree species being black pine (Pinus nigra). UNECE collaboration is focused on strengthening the forest sector in general, with a particular focus on the country’s policy framework on forest landscape restoration (SDG13 and SDG 15).  

Afforestation and reforesting degraded land are the main forest landscape restoration activities with considerable effort put into restoring areas damaged by wildfires.  

Public Private Partnerships 

At the 8th UNECE International PPP Forum it hosted in Istanbul in May 2024, Türkiye shared its experience in PPS, and in particular in the use of the UNECE PIERS methodology to assess sustainability.  

Two iconic transport projects, the Eurasia Tunnel across the Bosphorus and the 1915 Cannakale Bridge across the Dardanelles, have used the PIERS methodology. 


The national statistical office, Turkstat, is closely involved in UNECE statistical activities and events covering a broad spectrum of topics.   


 In the context of its regional support to Southeastern Europe, BSEC and the Trans-Caspian Corridor, UNECE has made significant contributions to advancing trade facilitation and electronic business in Türkiye. 

As part of its support to the digitalization of multimodal data and document exchange along the Trans-Caspian Corridor, UNECE supports a pilot project with the participation of railways from Türkiye, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, using the UN/CEFACT standards as the basis for interoperability.  

Turkish cotton supplier SÖKTAS has been a key player in the pilot project demonstrating traceability in the cotton value chain under "The Sustainability Pledge".  

Urban Development 

Programmatic opportunities include support for policy reform to promote access to decent, adequate, affordable and heathy housing in line with the principles of  The Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing, The Geneva Declaration of Mayors and San Marino Declaration. (SDG11).  


Publications and Reviews 
