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MOP4_Side events

Date/Title ENG RUS
Day 1: 14 November    
Measuring progress in achieving equitable access to water and sanitation PDF PDF
Enabling framework for adequate monitoring of compliance with the human rights to water and sanitation
Ms. Lenka Kručková, Water Lex (Switzerland)
The need for gender-disaggregated indicators to track equitable access to water and sanitation
Ms. Emma Anakhasyan, Women for Water Partnership (Netherlands)
Water scarcity and drought, the impact on human health 
Can we manage?
Still a challenge?
Water scarcity and drought, the impact on human health – can we manage? Still a challenge?
Ms. Elena Mateescu, National Meterological Association (Romania)
Environmental health risks related to climate change, water and sanitation in Italy
Mr. Luca Lucentini, National Institute for Health (Italy)
Scarcity, Droughts and Urban Water Emergency Plans in Cities with over 20,000 inhabitants
Ms. Josefina Maestu Unturbe, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Spain)

How can drinking water suppliers better manage the water quality? Swiss example on on-line monitoring and training program

Clean Water Monitoring –  Development of a multi-parameters probe for real-time monitoring of water quality in networks
Ms. Pauline Perdaems, SIG –Geneva Water (Switzerland)
Ms. Nicola Giandomenico, Hepia (Switzerland)
Mr. Didier Helal, Orbiwise (Switzerland)
Training Programs for Small Water Supply Utilities in Switzerland
Mr. Urs Manser, Swiss Gas and Water Industry Association (Switzerland)
Drinking Water – Portrait of a water supply operator Video  

Day 2: 15 November


Sanitation in the pan-European region: instrument for development

Input from you for scoping study   
Ms. Ana Maria de Roda Husman, National Institute for Public Health and the Environoment (Netherlands)
Programme area 5 – Safe and efficient management of water supply and sanitation systems
Ms. Jelka Appelman
and Mr. Meinte de Hoogh, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (Netherlands)
MOOC on Water, Sanitation and Waste
Mr. Christian Zurbrügg, EAWAG (Switzerland)
Sanitation Safety Planning Video  
Sanitation in the Netherlands – situation and challenges
Ms. Jelka Appelman
and Mr. Meinte de Hoogh, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (Netherlands)
Sanitation in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Situation and Challenges
Ms. Jelena Vićanović, Public Insitution „Vode Srpske“ (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Ms. Aida Vilić-Švraka Public Health Institute (Bosnia and Herzegovina

Small-scale water supplies and sanitation in the European Region

Launch of documents on small-scale water supplies and sanitation
Ms. Bettina Rickert, Federal Environment Agency (Germany)
Improving the evidence base of the situation of SSWSS in Serbia through rapid assessment
Ms. Dragana Jovanovic, Institute of Public Health (Serbia)
Sustainable financing of the costs of small-scale water services provision
Mr. Stef Smits, IRC (Netherlands)
ApaSan Moldova – Water and Sanitation Project Moldova, implemented by Skat Consulting Ltd. 2008 - 2019
Ms. Corina Andronic, Swiss Water and Sanitation Project in Moldova (Republic of Moldova)
The enabling environment for non-grid sanitation solutions – a brief of Eawag research
Mr. Christian Zurbrügg, EAWAG (Switzerland)

Day 3: 16 November


Uncomfortable but important: getting sanitation and transboundary issues higher on the agenda – examples from Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova and Tajikistan

Uncomfortable but important: getting sanitation and transboundary issues higher on the water agenda   PDF

Improving WASH in Schools for healthy and sustainable learning environment

WASH in Schools Video  
Advancing WASH in Schools – Publications
Ms. Marta Vargha, National Public Health Center (Hungary)
How to ensure healthy learning by improving WASH in Schools
Mr. Arne Panesar, giz (Germany)
“Targets – process – results” on school WASH in Moldova
Ms. Corina Andronic, Swiss Water and Sanitation Project in Moldova (Republic of Moldova)
Girls Voices Reaching the Government
Mr. Esen Turusbekov (UNICEF Kyrgyzstan)
Situation analysis of access to healthy drinking water and sanitation for children in primary schools in rural areas of the Šumadija and Pomoravlje Districts
Ms. Biljana Filipovic, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental protection (Serbia)
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