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75th Jubilee Session

PDF Statement by Roel Janssens, Economic Adviser, Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities - Item 4 (d) Inland transport security

Working Party on Inland Water Transport - SC.3 chair: Mr. R. Vorderwinkler (Austria)


Working Party on Intermodal Transport and Logistics (WP.24) - WP.24 chair: Mr. H. Maillard (Belgium)


Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP) - THE PEP chair: Mr. R. Thaler (Austria)


Mitigation of environmentally harmful effects of inland transport For Future Inland Transport Systems (ForFITS) - Pierpaolo Cazzola (Transport Division, UNECE)


Road Safety : Vision and actions - Ms. Luciana Iorio (Road Safety Forum Chairperson)


Assistance to countries with economies in transition - Martine-Sophie Fouvez (Regional Advisor, UNECE)


Progress in the eTIR Project - Transport Division, UNECE

PDF Post-2015 Development Agenda : Formulation and Implications for UNECE - Ms. Monika Linn (Principal Adviser, UNECE)
Press releases
  75th Jubilee Session of the Inland Transport Committee (01 March 2013)
  Unified Railway Law: Breakthrough towards a Euro-Asian and even a global legal regime for rail transport  (01 March 2013)
  UNECE Ministerial meeting “Making the Euro-Asian Transport Network Operational” (27 February 2013)
List of main decisions
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