In response to the request from Kazakhstan and Ukraine, UNECE has developed a study on improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions in their industrial sectors. The industrial sector in both countries is the largest energy consumer in the economy, representing 36 percent of final energy consumption in Kazakhstan and 32 percent in Ukraine. As a result, addressing energy efficiency and fuel switching to clean sources in this sector will have major benefits in reducing total energy consumption and emissions. The UNECE report Potential for Improving Industrial Energy Efficiency in Kazakhstan and Ukraine makes an important case for addressing industrial sector energy efficiency and presents priority actions that each country can take.
The report presents an analysis of publicly available data up until December 2021 on the share of energy consumption and energy sources associated with the industrial sector. The analysis includes assessment of the role of the sector overall and its sub-sectors, including manufacturing, construction, and mining. Kazakhstan and Ukraine are among the countries with some of the highest final energy use per GDP in the UNECE region. This presents an opportunity for improvement at scale, particularly in the more energy intensive sectors and sub-sectors.
The study used a set of indicators to benchmark and identify the areas of high energy and carbon intensity, based on both energy consumed and productivity in terms of value produced. The report also presents a series of case studies to illustrate best practices among countries and companies that have taken action to reduce energy use in their industrial processes. Building on this analysis, the report proposes two key interventions: 1) accelerating technological change through legislation and regulation that supports a swift modernization of existing industrial facilities and use of advanced technologies in new facilities; 2) supporting and growing collaborative knowledge-sharing networks to exchange best practices and increase implementation of state-of-the-art technologies.
The report concludes with an outline of National Policy Roadmaps for Kazakhstan and Ukraine, with specific policy measures that can be pursued to improve energy efficiency in the sector. By enacting these interventions, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, as well as other UNECE member States, can take action toward reducing their total energy use and emissions in a key economic sector. As the study does not take into account the consequences of the war in Ukraine, certain findings and recommendations may have to be adjusted to the new situation.