The Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Kazakhstan and the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine requested UNECE to provide technical assistance for improving industrial energy efficiency through a set of analysis and recommendations specific to their industrial contexts. In response to this request, UNECE has developed the study “Potential for Improving Industrial Energy Efficiency in Kazakhstan and Ukraine”.
The study assesses industrial energy productivity in the countries based on data from publicly available databases. It looks at potential strategies for addressing energy use and emissions reduction within the industrial sector of Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The case studies presented in the report are primarily focused on enablers of energy efficiency, such as energy management systems and energy audits. Therefore, as part of an overall strategy, actions enabling improvement of energy productivity and reduction of carbon intensity should be considered in addition to technological options (e.g., deployment of advanced production technologies, process optimization, deployment of innovative and cross-cutting technologies, fuel switching, etc.). The study identifies two main categories of business models, which were found to be suitable for implementation in Kazakhstan and Ukraine. First, models to accelerate technological change could be used, in which specific legislation and regulations are developed and implemented. These support swift modernisation of existing industrial facilities, as well as the utilisation of advanced technologies for newly designed facilities. Examples include mandatory and voluntary energy audits, energy management systems, use of best available technologies, and standards for industrial equipment. Second, governments should consider models that mobilise and scale-up industrial actions, in which various stakeholders initiate collaborative action to increase implementation of state-of-the-art technologies and share best practices. Examples include voluntary agreements, industrial networks, financial mechanisms, and incentives. While some legislative measures related to industrial energy efficiency have already been adopted in Kazakhstan and Ukraine, more tailored policies are needed to address special needs and local contexts in both countries as well as to accelerate industrial actions to improve energy productivity and efficiency. The study identifies a number of policy options suitable for implementation in Kazakhstan and Ukraine, which are presented in the form of an Outline of National Policy roadmaps.
Study: Potential for Improving Industrial Energy Efficiency in Kazakhstan and Ukraine