EGBR provisional agenda 2024.pdf |
EGBR provisional agenda 2024.pdf (application/pdf, 274.25 KB)
English |
Provisional Programme |
2_Finland_Paper on IncomesRegisterBrUpdating.pdf |
2_Finland_Paper on IncomesRegisterBrUpdating.pdf (application/pdf, 314.83 KB)
English |
Versatile use of Finnish Incomes Register data in business register maintenance |
2.3_OECD_MEIP_EGBR_meeting_Oct2024.pdf |
2.3_OECD_MEIP_EGBR_meeting_Oct2024.pdf (application/pdf, 493.54 KB)
English |
The OECD-UNSD Multinational Enterprise Information Platform (MEIP) |
3_Italy_Paper_Implementation_Italy_Session3.pdf |
3_Italy_Paper_Implementation_Italy_Session3.pdf (application/pdf, 1.41 MB)
English |
A Comprehensive Strategy for Implementing NACE Rev. 2.1 in the Italian Statistical Business Register |
3.2_Germany_LCU.pdf |
3.2_Germany_LCU.pdf (application/pdf, 271.77 KB)
English |
Brief insights into the German LCU‘s area of work |
3.3_Hungary_peter_palosi.pdf |
3.3_Hungary_peter_palosi.pdf (application/pdf, 465.95 KB)
English |
Delineation of the enterprise group statistical unit in the Hungarian Statistical Business Register |
3.3_Hungary_peter_palosi.pdf |
3.3_Hungary_peter_palosi.pdf (application/pdf, 951.72 KB)
English |
Delineation of the enterprise group statistical unit in the Hungarian Statistical Business Register |
4_UNECE_Quality monitoring system for the European statistical business registers.pdf |
4_UNECE_Quality monitoring system for the European statistical business registers.pdf (application/pdf, 918.37 KB)
English |
Quality monitoring system for the European statistical business registers, Eurostat |
4.1_Eurostat_Quality monitoring system for the European statistical business registers.pdf |
4.1_Eurostat_Quality monitoring system for the European statistical business registers.pdf (application/pdf, 846.25 KB)
English |
Quality monitoring system for the European statistical business registers |
5_Germany_UNECE_Session5_BD_Regio_paper.pdf |
5_Germany_UNECE_Session5_BD_Regio_paper.pdf (application/pdf, 671.59 KB)
English |
First results for regional business demography statistics, Germany |
5.2_Germany_UNECE_Session5_BD_Regio.pdf |
5.2_Germany_UNECE_Session5_BD_Regio.pdf (application/pdf, 1.35 MB)
English |
First results for regional business demography statistics, Germany |
5_New breakdowns for selected Structural Business Statistics indicators_.pdf |
5_New breakdowns for selected Structural Business Statistics indicators_.pdf (application/pdf, 812.94 KB)
English |
New breakdowns for selected Structural Business Statistics indicators using information from the EuroGroups Register, Eurostat |
5_Sturm_Paper_Enterprise_Groups_UNECE_2024.pdf |
5_Sturm_Paper_Enterprise_Groups_UNECE_2024.pdf (application/pdf, 695.29 KB)
English |
Enterprise Groups Statistics, Germany |
5.4_Sturm_presentation_Enterprise_Groups_UNECE_2024.pdf |
5.4_Sturm_presentation_Enterprise_Groups_UNECE_2024.pdf (application/pdf, 687.37 KB)
English |
Enterprise Groups Statistics, Germany |
5.1_Singapore_Producing new data insights through data integration_paper.pdf |
5.1_Singapore_Producing new data insights through data integration_paper.pdf (application/pdf, 333.91 KB)
English |
Producing New Data Insights on Enterprise Characteristics through Data Integration, Singapore |
5.1_Singapore_Producing new data insights through data integration_presentation.pdf |
5.1_Singapore_Producing new data insights through data integration_presentation.pdf (application/pdf, 564 KB)
English |
Producing New Data Insights on Enterprise Characteristics through Data Integration, Singapore |
5.6_paper_CELLA_ROMANO.pdf |
5.6_paper_CELLA_ROMANO.pdf (application/pdf, 702.7 KB)
English |
A gender approach in the study of entrepreneurship: The Italian experience |
6.1_Georgia_BR.pdf |
6.1_Georgia_BR.pdf (application/pdf, 1.47 MB)
English |
Modernization of the Statistical Business Register in Georgia and producing statistics based on it |
8_Mexico_HIBTS for Group of Experts on Business Registers UNECE_Rev 6 Oct 2024.pdf |
8_Mexico_HIBTS for Group of Experts on Business Registers UNECE_Rev 6 Oct 2024.pdf (application/pdf, 630.3 KB)
English |
Progress of the UN Handbook on Integrating Business and Trade Statistics (HIBTS) |