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Workshop on impacts of air pollution and implementation of Best Available Techniques (BATs)

Workshop on impacts of air pollution and implementation of Best Available Techniques (BATs)

15 - 16 October 2024
Paris France

The UNECE secretariat to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, in cooperation with the Convention’s Task Force on Techno-Economic Issues (TFTEI) and UNEP, organized a workshop for countries in the UNECE region on impacts of air pollution and implementation of Best Available Techniques (BATs). This project was carried out with funding by the European Union, France, Germany, and the United Nations Development Account.

Agenda and presentations

68584 _ Agenda _ 395918 _ English _ 773 _ 425362 _ pdf
68584 _ Agenda _ 395918 _ Russian _ 864 _ 425361 _ pdf
68584 _ Methodologies for health impact assessment _ 395920 _ English _ 773 _ 425369 _ pdf
68584 _ Pollution targets for the Gothenburg Protocol revision _ 395927 _ English _ 773 _ 425389 _ PDF
68584 _ The key role of emission inventories _ 395928 _ English _ 773 _ 425390 _ PDF
68584 _ Key concepts of integrated assessment modelling _ 395929 _ English _ 773 _ 425391 _ pdf
68584 _ How to start a reduction plan _ 395930 _ English _ 773 _ 425392 _ pdf
68584 _ Air quality assessment in the EECCA region _ 395931 _ English _ 773 _ 425393 _ pdf
68584 _ The Air Convention and BAT provisions _ 395932 _ English _ 773 _ 425394 _ PDF
68584 _ Lessons learned in 10 years of cooperation on BATs _ 395933 _ English _ 773 _ 425395 _ PDF
68584 _ Overview of guidance documents _ 395934 _ English _ 773 _ 425396 _ pdf
68584 _ Cost assessment of BATs _ 395935 _ English _ 773 _ 425397 _ pdf
68584 _ BATs for LCPs: Example of Kazakhstan _ 395936 _ English _ 773 _ 425398 _ pdf
68584 _ Poland's energy transition _ 395937 _ English _ 773 _ 425400 _ pdf
68584 _ Cost of inaction and the Apatity plant _ 395941 _ English _ 773 _ 425404 _ pdf
68584 _ Emission reduction of NOx _ 395942 _ English _ 773 _ 425405 _ pdf
68584 _ Reduction of emissions in cement plants _ 395943 _ English _ 773 _ 425406 _ pdf
68584 _ EU Clean Air Policy Update _ 395944 _ English _ 773 _ 425407 _ pdf
68584 _ Technological pathway study: Armenia and Republic of Moldova _ 395945 _ English _ 773 _ 425408 _ PDF
68584 _ Permitting procedures in France _ 395951 _ English _ 773 _ 425414 _ pdf
68584 _ BAT in the paper and pulp industry _ 395952 _ English _ 773 _ 425415 _ pdf
68584 _ Air Quality Management Exchange Platform (AQMx) _ 395953 _ English _ 773 _ 425416 _ pdf
68584 _ List of participants _ 396205 _ English _ 773 _ 426076 _ pdf