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134th meeting

134th meeting

01 July 2024 15:00 - 18:00
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Title English  French Russian
Item 1, ECE/EX/2024/3 - Provisional agenda  pdf pdf pdf
Item 2, EXCOM Conclu-133 - Chair's Conclusions from 133rd meeting pdf    
Item 3, EXCOM - 2024/15 - Thirty-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (Beijing+30): Regional review meeting - Draft decision pdf    
Item 3, EXCOM - 2024/16 - Provisional agenda for the Beijing+30 Regional Review Meeting pdf    
Item 4, EXCOM.2024/17 - Preparations for the seventy-first session of the Economic Commission for Europe pdf    
Item 5, EXCOM 2024/18 - UNECE Technical Cooperation Activities 2023 pdf    
Item 5, EXCOM 2024/18 - UNECE Technical Cooperation Activities 2023 - part 2 pdf    
Item 6, EXCOM 2024/13 - Enabling inclusivity by gender mainstreaming the quality infrastructure for trade pdf    
Item 6, EXCOM 2024/19 - Enhancing data collection and analysis for improved dissemination of information on forest in the UNECE region pdf    
Item 6, EXCOM 2024/20 - Information on urban tree and forest cover and biodiversity  pdf    
Item 6, EXCOM 2024/21 - Supporting the operationalization of the Inland Transport Committee’s (ITC) Strategy on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Inland Transport pdf    
Item 6, EXCOM 2024/22 - Enhancing Transparency and Traceability for Sustainable Value Chains in Strategic Sectors for the Green and Digital Transitions in the UNECE region and beyond (Phase III) pdf    
Proposed Item 2BIS, ECE/EX/2024/L.7 - Decision relating to the Enabling inclusivity by gender mainstreaming the quality infrastructure for trade pdf pdf pdf