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Education on standardization initiative (START-Ed) meeting

Education on standardization initiative (START-Ed) meeting

During the 3rd Annual Forum of WP.6 Subgroups

03 April 2024 14:00 - 15:00
Palais des Nations H-312, virtual connection possible Geneva Switzerland

This meeting takes place during the WP.6 third annual Forum


The START-Ed Initiative was established by the decision of the Working Party 6 in November 2012. The START-Ed Initiative have the following two major tasks:

(1) Promotion of standards-awareness in the educational establishments with the elaboration of the 15-module programme on standardization developed in 2012

(2) Assisting in sharing best practices in teaching standards to different audiences.


  1. Administrative part of the meeting
  2. Return on experience "Educating undergraduate students in the ecological transition for sustainable development" by Mr. Sebastien Chevalier, Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France
  3. Project proposal for a "Sustainability-Related Issues Module" in the UNECE WP.6 Model Programme
  4. Project proposal for a Survey on Mapping the needs of Actors in Education on Standardization - Presentation of the Preliminary Results
  5. Discussion about cooperation with other WP.6 Sub-Groups
  6. Any other business
  7. Next meetings

Meeting minutes


3 April


Social dinner

Restaurant La Romana, Rue de Vermont 37, 1202 Genève

19:00 to 22:30