The meeting took place from 28 February to 1 March, in Palais des Nations.
Extended EMEP SB/WGE Bureaux Meeting
Extended EMEP SB/WGE Bureaux Meeting
28 February - 01 March 2024
Geneva Switzerland
Agenda and presentations
58370 _ Strategic discussion: WGE – 2025 and beyond _ 388805 _ English _ 773 _ 407512 _ pdf
58370 _ Update on the Effects joint report based on the ICPs’ and Task Forces’ inputs into the Gothenburg Protocol review _ 388806 _ English _ 773 _ 407513 _ pdf
58370 _ The Joint Task Force on the Health Aspects of Air Pollution – activities and the workplan 2024-2025 _ 388807 _ English _ 773 _ 407514 _ pdf
58370 _ ICP Materials: Progress on work plan 2024-2025 _ 388808 _ English _ 773 _ 407515 _ pdf
58370 _ ICP Waters Progress in 2023-2024-2025 workplan _ 388811 _ English _ 773 _ 407523 _ pdf
58370 _ ICP Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems _ 388810 _ English _ 773 _ 407517 _ pdf
58370 _ ICP Vegetation update _ 388888 _ English _ 773 _ 407759 _ pdf
58370 _ ICP Forest: Progress on work plan 2024-2025 _ 388812 _ English _ 773 _ 407525 _ pdf
58370 _ ICP Modelling and Mapping: progress in workplan 2024-2025 _ 388813 _ English _ 773 _ 407526 _ pdf
58370 _ Centre for Dynamic Modelling, ICP Modelling&Mapping: Damage to Biodiversity – a powerfulargument to limit air pollution _ 388815 _ English _ 773 _ 407532 _ pdf
58370 _ Emission inventories and adjustment procedure: Progress in the 2024-2025 work plan _ 388831 _ English _ 773 _ 407573 _ pdf
58370 _ TFEIP –Progress and Plans 2024 _ 388832 _ English _ 773 _ 407574 _ pdf
58370 _ TFMM -progress in the 2024-25 workplan _ 388833 _ English _ 773 _ 407575 _ pdf
58370 _ Progress of work CCC _ 388947 _ English _ 773 _ 407940 _ pdf
58370 _ MSC-W: Progress of activities _ 388834 _ English _ 773 _ 407576 _ pdf
58370 _ HTAP: Update on progress in the work plan for 2024-2025 _ 388836 _ English _ 773 _ 407578 _ pdf
58370 _ TFIAM-CIAM Work plan 2024-2025 _ 388837 _ English _ 773 _ 407579 _ pdf
58370 _ Innovative funding sources _ 388838 _ English _ 773 _ 407580 _ pdf