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Experience Sharing Workshop: Integration of Gender Aspects into Environmental Policies in the Western Balkan region

Experience Sharing Workshop: Integration of Gender Aspects into Environmental Policies in the Western Balkan region

09 February 2022
Mountains in Montenegro

Countries have been increasingly adopting provisions on gender equality covering climate change and environmental policies. In light of these developments, this event is targeted at national ministries and agencies in charge of environment or gender equality, as well as gender focal points under the UNFCCC in the Western Balkan subregion to support them in integrating a gender perspective into environmental policies.

The main objective of the workshop is to start a process of sharing experiences and discussing challenges and opportunities on gender equality policy frameworks and practical approaches
to gender mainstreaming in environmental policy amongst national institutions. Moreover, possibilities for collaboration in joint projects will be explored.

The event is part of a series of workshops on gender mainstreaming in environmental policies supported by the UNECE Environment Division.  


9:30       Welcoming words from Mr Marco Keiner, Director of Environment Division, UNECE

Moderated by Ms Sarangoo Radnaaragchaa, Regional Advisor, Environment Division, UNECE

9:40       Current situation in the field of gender mainstreaming in environmental policy, trends, challenges, and good examples at national levels, Ms Gotelind Alber, UNECE Consultant PDF

10:00     Recent developments in the participating countries on gender mainstreaming and environment, and expectations for the workshop (each country – 7 min presentation)

  • Ms Ornela  Çuçi, Vice Minister for Tourism and Environment, Albania PDF
  • Ms Nada Mlinar, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, Bosnia and Herzegovina PDF
  • Ms Olivera Kujundzic, Ministry for Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism, Montenegro PDF
  • Ms Natasa Lalic, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Serbia PDF

10:45     Q & A

11:00     Interactive session on challenges and opportunities for gender mainstreaming in environmental policies and identify options for collaboration and potential joint projects, facilitated by Ms. Gotelind Alber, UNECE Consultant 

11:30    Introduction of a project concept by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Serbia,
Ms Biljana Filipovic, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Serbia  PDF

11:50     Discussion on the way forward

12:00     End of workshop
