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National workshop on Strategic Environmental Assessment in Turkmenistan

National workshop on Strategic Environmental Assessment in Turkmenistan

14 October 2021

The aim of the national workshop on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Turkmenistan is to introduce the main principles of SEA and its benefits to the relevant national stakeholders and decision-makers, to present and discuss the results of the needs assessment report on Strategic Environmental Assessment conducted in the country and to support elaboration of recommendations to be integrated in the action plan for establishing a national SEA system in line with the Protocol on SEA. 

The workshop is organized in the framework of the project "Strengthening national and regional capacities and co-operation on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Central Asia, including as a response to climate change" implemented by OSCE and UNECE. 

Agenda and List of Participants

16618 _ Agenda _ 360566 _ English _ 773 _ 337705 _ pdf
16618 _ Agenda _ 360566 _ Russian _ 864 _ 337706 _ pdf
16618 _ List of participants _ 363626 _ Russian _ 864 _ 344483 _ pdf