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Second regonal meeting on education for sustainable development-Task force

Second regonal meeting on education for sustainable development-Task force

15 - 16 July 2004
Rome Italy

The first meeting of the Task Force set up a drafting group to help prepare the final draft of the document for the approval at its second meeting.

The drafting group met four times and has prepared a draft strategy (CEP/AC.13/2004/8) taking into account comments provided by member States and stakeholders, including regional environmental centers, international and non-governmental organizations. The strategy is meant to serve as a flexible framework and its implementation can be adapted to each country’s priorities, specific needs and circumstances. Therefore, the document reflects the main considerations expressed by stakeholders and member States and is based on a general consensus.

The Task Force amended and approved the draft Strategy and submitted it to the Committee on Environmental Policy at its eleventh session for comments and endorsement.

The Task Force discussed the practical aspects of implementing the strategy in the region, based on a discussion paper prepared by the secretariat (CEP/AC.13/2004/9). The Task Force also discussed the proposal on joint high-level meeting of Environment Ministries and Education Ministries or equivalent State bodies responsible for education in UNECE member States that might be convened to adopt the strategy. Discussion was based on the note prepared by the Secretariat. There was a general support for holding such a meeting. The Task Force also endorsed the proposed date, candidatures for officers and the agenda of the meeting.

The drafting group has also prepared two background documents: one on past and ongoing international processes on education for sustainable development (CEP/AC.13/2004/8/Add.1), and another to clarify some terms used in the strategy (CEP/AC.13/2004/8/Add.2). These documents were not discussed and will not be revised. They are for information only.


Draft Strategy for ESD
Add.1 ESD Background
Add.2 Explanatory notes
Practical aspects of implementation
Note on High-Level meeting