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State of Forest Ownership in the UNECE Region, trends-opportunities-challenges

State of Forest Ownership in the UNECE Region, trends-opportunities-challenges

14 December 2018
Brussels Belgium

The meeting to review the "State of Forest Ownership in the UNECE Region: trends, opportunities, challenges" took place at the European Forestry House in Brussels on 14 December 2018. For more information on the meeting, please visit the website of the EUSTAFOR.

Forest ownership is complex, entailing different rights, responsibilities, organizational procedures and understandings that vary considerably depending on country and context. These differences, in turn, profoundly affect the way forests are managed and thereby the benefits that can be derived from them.

The UNECE region is characterized by some of the most diverse ownership structures in the world. Within the two broadest categories of ownership, public and private, forests are owned and managed through a variety of tenure and institutional arrangements.

To understand how ownership is changing, and the implications for management and policy, the UNECE and the FAO, in cooperation with the COST Action FACESMAP as well as EUSTAFOR and FECOF developed a study “State of Forest Ownership in the UNECE Region”, based in large part on a survey of national data and expert opinion.

At the event, authors of the study presented analysis on forests, forest policies and forest management under different ownership. The presentation of the main results of the study, including the launch of the thematic interactive database, set the scene for discussion on the status, trends, opportunities and challenges, with the representatives of European Institutions, representatives of forest owners’ organizations and the Brussels-based stakeholders.

All national source data on forest ownership is available on-line in in English ( and Russian (

The extract based on the UNECE/FAO/FACESMAP study "State of Forest Ownership in the UNECE Region" is available here.

More information on the Forest Ownership in the UNECE Region is available here.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Secretariat of the ECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section.


Presenter Topic PDF
Mr. Roman Michalak, UNECE/FAO Introduction to the interactive database on Forest Ownership PDF
Mr. Filip Aggestam, UNECE State of Forest Ownership in the UNECE Region - concept and definitions PDF
Ms. Anna Lawrence, University of the Highlands and Islands, Scotland State of Forest Ownership in the UNECE Region - main findings PDF
Ms. Gun Lidestav, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Forest ownership (in change) in the world and the UNECE region PDF
Mr. Liviu Nichiforel, University Stefan Cel Mare Suceava, Romania Private forest ownership - Policy instruments and legislation PDF
Additional information Link  
New UNECE/FAO Report explains the complexity of forest ownership and tenure in the UNECE region Link