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First Sio-Malaba-Malakisi basin stakeholders’ consultative workshop: initiation of a Benefit Opportunities Assessment Dialogue

First Sio-Malaba-Malakisi basin stakeholders’ consultative workshop: initiation of a Benefit Opportunities Assessment Dialogue

16 - 18 May 2017
Kisumu Kenya

The workshop engaged key stakeholders from the Sio-Malaba-Malakisi (SMM) basin in a joint basin visioning process.

The workshop made it possible to:

  • improve the understanding on transboundary water governance and benefits of transboundary water cooperation;
  • analyze challenges and opportunities for transboundary water cooperation in the SMM basin, building on past and on-going activities and studies for the basin related to transboundary water cooperation;
  • develop a common understanding among key basin actors of the main benefits of transboundary water cooperation in the SMM Basin, as well as some of the opportunities for realizing them
  • issue recommendations on the design of the next steps of project activities in the SMM basin.

The workshop was organized under the framework of the project “Strengthening transboundary water governance and cooperation in the IGAD region”, implemented by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Secretariat with the support of IUCN and UNECE.



Documents ENG
Concept Note PDF
Agenda PDF
Draft Situation analysis for the SMM basin  
Draft scoping paper on the benefits of transboundary water cooperation  
Policy Guidance Note on the Benefits of Transboundary Water Cooperation see publication
List of participants PDF


Presentations ENG
Session 2. Introduction to the project and Benefits Opportunities Assessment Dialogue  
IGAD Regional Water Resources Policy and Draft Protocol
Fred Mwango, IGAD
OES/IGAD project – regional and demonstration basin components
Fred Mwango, IGAD
SMM basin selection process
Gladys Wekesa, IGAD TAC Kenya and Callist Tindimugaya, IGAD TAC Uganda
Roadmap to Benefits Opportunities Assessment Dialogue
Isabelle Fauconnier, IUCN and Chantal Demilecamps, UNECE
Session 3. Overview of the SMM basin   
SMM river basin – characteristics and key issues
Cosmus Muli, consultant
Session 4. Transboundary Water Governance  
Transboundary water governance
Isabelle Fauconnier, IUCN, Chantal Demilecamps, UNECE, Nicholas Azza, Consultant
Session 5. Benefits from improved transboundary water cooperation  
The benefits of transboundary water cooperation in the SMM basin
Roberto Martin Hurtado, consultant to UNECE
Session 6. Introducing the Benefit Opportunities Assessment Tool methodology  
Multi-stakeholder analysis of benefit-enhancing scenarios in the Takong Basin
John Owino, IUCN
Session 7. Stakeholders and beneficiaries mapping in the SMM basin  
Identifying stakeholders and beneficiary mapping
Isabelle Fauconnier, IUCN
Stakeholder and beneficiary mapping results from SMM situation analysis study
Nicholas Azza, consultant
Session 8. Overview of current and potential projects in the SMM basin  
Proposed infrastructure investments projects for SMM basin
Cosmus Muli, consultant
Session 10. Institutional options for the transboundary water management in the SMM basin  
Overview of past work and current status of institutional processes and arrangements for SMM
Mohammed Badaza, Consultant
Institutional framework: example of the Nile Basin Initiative
Nicholas Azza, Consultant
Agreements and RBOs to strengthen the management of transboundary waters: Example of the Sava River Basin
Chantal Demilecamps, UNECE
The IGAD Regional Water Resources Policy and Protocol: Principles and Lessons
Fred Mwango, IGAD
Session 12. Moving the agenda forward – how could communication help?  
Previous communication efforts of SMM project
Cosmus Muli, Consultant
Importance of communicating the benefits of transboundary water cooperation
Chantal Demilecamps, UNECE
Session 13. SMM Project Activities going forward  
Findings and recommendation for the OES/IGAD project
Nicholas Azza, consultant and Roberto Martin Hurtado, Consultant
Session 14. Next steps under the project  
Proposed timeline for project activities and agreement on next steps
John Owino, IUCN