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Meeting of the SPECA Working Group on Gender and SDGs

Meeting of the SPECA Working Group on Gender and SDGs

Virtual meeting

27 October 2020

Theme: Gender-responsive policies to achieve SDG5 in the context of COVID-19 pandemic: Critical and key emerging issues in the SPECA region

The meeting of the SPECA Working Group on Gender and SDGs (WGG) contributes to sub-regional cooperation in advancing gender-transformative economic policies for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through identifying strategies for strengthening women’s economic empowerment in the SPECA region.

During this 15th session of the Working Group, participants will share best practices and challenges faced in their countries with respect to the implementation of SDG 5 on gender equality and will further discuss strategies to forge ahead on key issues to advance gender equality, including how to build better with a gender lens in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences.

The meeting is organized jointly by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP).

Document Title ENG RUS
Concept note PDF PDF
Report of the meeting PDF PDF