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Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices

Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices

30 May - 01 June 2012
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

Updated: 13 July 2012

ECE/CES/GE.22/2012 /...


  Document Title ENG RUS FRE
  Agenda PDF    
ECE/CES/GE.22/2012/2 Report PDF PDF PDF
Session 1. House price indices
  Presentation of the Handbook on Residential Property Price Indices. PDF    
  Working Towards a Comparable House Price Inflation Measure in Europe. B. Marola, D. Santos, R. Evangelista and V. Guerreiro. Statistics Portugal PDF    
  Developments in the United Kingdom’s House Price Index. Christopher Jenkins and Jim O’Donoghue. Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom PDF    
  Residential Property Price: An alternative approach for house rent in Consumer Price Index of Thailand. Benyasut Prayoth, Dispadung Chanikarn. Ministry of Commerce, Thailand PDF    
  Fees with multiple price-dependent rates. Claude Lamboray, STATEC, Luxembourg PDF    
  The Estimation of Owner Occupied Housing Indexes using the RPPI: The Case of Tokyo. Chihiro Shimizu,W. Erwin Diewer, Kiyohiko.G. Nishimura, Tsutomu Watanabe. University of Tokyo, Japan PDF    
  Working Towards a Comparable House Price Inflation Measure in Europe. B. Marola, D. Santos, R. Evangelista and V. Guerreiro. Statistics Portugal PDF    
  Developments in the United Kingdom’s House Price Index. Christopher Jenkins and Jim O’Donoghue. Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom PDF    
  Residential Property Price: An alternative approach for house rent in Consumer Price Index of Thailand. Benyasut Prayoth, Dispadung Chanikarn. Ministry of Commerce, Thailand PDF    
  Fees with multiple price-dependent rates. Claude Lamboray, STATEC, Luxembourg PDF    
  The Estimation of Owner Occupied Housing Indexes using the RPPI: The Case of Tokyo. Chihiro Shimizu,W. Erwin Diewer, Kiyohiko.G. Nishimura, Tsutomu Watanabe. University of Tokyo, Japan PDF    
Room Documents:        
  The treatment of housing co-operatives in a house price index. D. Santos and R. Evangelista, Statistics Portugal PDF    
  Recent developments in Australian Residential Property Price Indexes. Marcel van Kints, Australian Bureau of Statistics PDF    
  Hedonic Regressions and the Decomposition of a House Price index into Land and Structure Components. W. Erwin Diewert, Jan de Haan and Rens Hendriks. University of British Columbia, Canada. PDF    
Session 2. System of price indices
  A family of price indices: the different traditions, the strategic approaches & the work to be done. David Fenwick, United Kingdom PDF    
  Driving regional price indicators out of the UK's PPPs. Sharne Bailey. ONS, UK PDF    
  New initiatives in the PPP Process in Israel. Merav Oren-Yiftach, Yoel Finkel. Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel PDF    
  System's of price indices and supporting frameworks. David Fenwick, UK PDF    
  Driving regional price indicators out of the UK's PPPs. Derek Bird. ONS, UK PDF    
  New initiatives in the PPP Process in Israel. Merav Oren-Yiftach, Yoel Finkel. Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel PDF    
Room Documents:  
  Rénovation des IHPC dans les pays de L’Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA). Claude Chamda, AFRISTAT     PDF
Session 3. New ways of calculating CPI
  Improving the Preliminary Values of the Chained CPI-U. John S. Greenlees, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. PDF    
  The use of Superlative Index Links in the Swedish CPI. P. Bäckström and M. Sammar. Statistics Sweden PDF    
  Post Laspeyres: The Case for a new formula for compiling consumer price indices. Paul Armknecht and Mick Silver, IMF PDF    
  Improving the Preliminary Values of the Chained CPI-U. John S. Greenlees, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics PDF    
  The use of Superlative Index Links in the Swedish CPI. P. Bäckström, Statistics Sweden PDF    
  Post Laspeyres: The Case for a new formula for compiling consumer price indices. Paul Armknecht and Mick Silver, IMF PDF    
Room Documents:         
  Euro-area HICP flash estimate breakdown. Eurostat PDF    
Session 4. Scanner data
  Would scanner data improve the French CPI? Sébastien Faivre, Patrick Sillard, Gaëtan Varlet. INSEE, France PDF   PDF
  Experiences with scanner data in the Swiss Statistical Office. Jean-Michel Zürcher and Bernard Buchenel, Federal Statistical Office of Switzerland PDF   PDF
  Extending the Danish CPI with scanner data – A stepwise analysis. Jonas Mikkelsen, Statistics Denmark PDF    
  Scanner Data – A Collection Method for the Future. M. Sammar, A. Norberg and C. Tongur. Statistics Sweden PDF    
  Scanner data: towards Cost of Living Indexes? Patrick Sillard, INSEE, France  PDF   PDF
  The Treatment of Unmatched Items in Rolling Year GEKS Price Indexes: Evidence from New Zealand. Jan de Haana, Frances Krsinichb, New Zealand PDF    
  Would scanner data improve the French CPI? Sébastien Faivre, Patrick Sillard, Gaëtan Varlet. INSEE, France PDF    
  Experiences with scanner data in the Swiss Statistical Office. Jean-Michel Zürcher and Bernard Buchenel, Federal Statistical Office of Switzerland PDF    
  Extending the Danish CPI with scanner data – A stepwise analysis. Jonas Mikkelsen, Statistics Denmark PDF    
  Scanner Data – A Collection Method for the Future. M. Sammar, Statistics Sweden PDF    
  Scanner data: towards Cost of Living Indexes? Patrick Sillard, INSEE, France PDF    
  The Treatment of Unmatched Items in Rolling Year GEKS Price Indexes: Evidence from New Zealand. Jan de Haana, Frances Krsinichb, New Zealand PDF    
Session 5. New price collection methods
  Various data collection methods in the Norwegian CPI. Ingvild Johansen, Ragnhild Nygaard. Statistics Norway PDF    
  Challenges of collecting prices from the internet. Mari Ylä Jarkko and Johanna Leivo, Statistics Finland PDF    
  How fast are prices falling in Japan? Satoshi Imai, Bureau of Statistics, Japan, Chihiro Shimizu, Reitaku University and UBC, Tsutomu Watanabe, University of Tokyo PDF    
  The Billion Prices Project ( Alberto Cavallo, MIT, Sloan, USA PDF    
  Various data collection methods in the Norwegian CPI. Ingvild Johansen, Ragnhild Nygaard, Statistics Norway PDF    
  Challenges of collecting prices from the internet. Mari Ylä Jarkko and Johanna Leivo, Statistics Finland PDF    
  How fast are prices falling in Japan? Satoshi Imai, Bureau of Statistics, Japan, Chihiro Shimizu, Reitaku University and UBC, Tsutomu Watanabe, University of Tokyo PDF    
Room Documents:  
  The treatment of internet purchases. Eurostat PDF    
  Doing the homework on Domestic Worker Wages. A comparison of various data sources used to collect domestic worker wage data for the SA CPI. Riaan Grobler. Statistics South Africa PDF    
  Innovation on Survey System for Retail Price Survey and CPI in Japan. Satoshi Imai, Statistics Bureau of Japan PDF PDF    
Session 6. Quality adjustments for services
  Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM) in the CPI. Barosevic Marko, Conn Lewis, Cullen Derick. Australian Bureau of Statistics PDF    
  Problems with the Measurement of Banking Services in a National Accounting Framework. W.Erwin Diewert, Dennis Fixler and Kim Zieschang PDF    
  Report on the work on quality adjustment of for services from the Voorburg Group. André Loranger, Statistics Canada PDF    
  Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM) in the CPI. Barosevic Marko, Conn Lewis, Cullen Derick. Australian Bureau of Statistics PDF    
  Problems with the Measurement of Banking Services in a National Accounting Framework. W.Erwin Diewert, Dennis Fixler and Kim Zieschang PDF    
  Report on the work on quality adjustment of for services from the Voorburg Group. André Loranger, Statistics Canada PDF    
  Joint OECD/Eurostat Task Force for the revision of the SPPI Guide. Anne-Sophie Fraisse, OECD PDF    
Session 7. Sources of weighting data
  Sources of Weighting Data and Quality Management System in Mexican CPI. National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), Mexico PDF    
  Analysis of commodity substitution effects in Hong Kong’s CPIs. Chan Kalin, Hong Kong, China PDF PDF PDF
  Weighing things up: sources of data for CPI weights. Patrick Kelly and Lee Everts, Statistics South Africa PDF    
  Kiribati CPI Weights: A Review of Household Expenditure Data. Alick Nyasulu. Secretariat of Pacific Community PDF    
  Does COICOP need to be revised? Ana Franco. Eurostat PDF    
  Sources of Weighting Data and Quality Management System in Mexican CPI. National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), Mexico PDF    
  Some implications of product creation and destruction on Japan's deflation. Tsutomu Watanabe, University of Tokyo PDF    
  Analysis of commodity substitution effects in Hong Kong’s CPIs. Chan Kalin, Hong Kong, China PDF    
  Weighing things up: sources of data for CPI weights. Patrick Kelly and Lee Everts, Statistics South Africa PDF    
  Kiribati CPI Weights: A Review of Household Expenditure Data. Alick Nyasulu. Secretariat of Pacific Community PDF    
  Does COICOP need to be revised? Eurostat PDF    
Room documents:        
  Sources of weighting data for the CPI. Vincent Musoke Nsubuga, Bureau of Statistics, Uganda PDF PDF    
  The practice of calculating the consumer price index in Georgia and the methodological issues for its improvement. Nino Abesadze. Tbilisi State University, Georgia PDF    
  The revised Consumer Price Index in Zambia. Phillip Miti, Central Statistical Office, Zambia PDF    
Special Session on the Price Index Processor Software (PIPS)
   Detailed Agenda for the PIPS session PDF     
   The Price Index Processor System (PIPS) PDF