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Workshop on Population and Housing Censuses

Workshop on Population and Housing Censuses

28 - 29 September 2015
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Document Title
Documents Presentations  
1 Provisional agenda PDF PDF    
1/Add.1 Tentative Timetable PDF PDF    
INF.1 Information Note Word      
2 Report of the Workshop PDF PDF    
  Measuring population and housing in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. Review of practices in the 2010 round of censuses (UNECE) (Draft version - 18 September 2015) PDF PDF    
  Population and housing censuses in Moldova in 2014 (Republic of Moldova)    
  Population census in Belarus  (Belarus)       PPT
  Census result dissemination (Belarus)       PPT
  UNECE Study on National Practices in the 2010 round in EECCA countries Part I     PPT PPT
  UNECE Study on National Practices in the 2010 round in EECCA countries Part II     PPT PPT
  UNECE Study on National Practices in the 2010 round in EECCA countries Part III     PPT PPT
  Results of April 2015 UNECE consultation on national plans for 2020 round and possible support activities (UNECE)     PPT PPT
Microcensus 2015- the first step to the Russian census 2020 (Russian Federation)

  Population census of the Republic of Belarus in 2020 round (Belarus)       PPT
  Possible difficulties in the implementation of the CES recommendations for the 2020 round in the countries of EECCA (CISSTAT)     PPT PPT
  Progress in preparing for 2020 round of population census in the CIS region (CISSTAT)     PPT PPT