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UN/CEFACT Conference on "Blockchain"

UN/CEFACT Conference on "Blockchain"

04 October 2017
Rome Italy
UN/CEFACT Conference on "Blockchain"

Over the past year, blockchain technology has been increasingly in the news with many articles - but also much inconsistent or incomplete information. Blockchain appears to be an important new development which will allow the creation of "original" electronic documents that cannot be copied and whose origin can be guaranteed - without using a trusted third party. But how far is this technology from being implemented and how realistic are the claims that have been made? And if blockchain technology is as secure and “immutable” as claimed – why do we continue to read stories about hackers stealing millions of dollars/euros worth of cryptocurrencies (electronic money based on blockchain technology)?

This Conference seeks to establish some clarity and a collective understanding of the potential of blockchain technology for supporting trade and trade facilitation as well as the other business and government activities where the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) has projects. 

To reach this objective, a range of experts will talk about the various aspects of blockchain technology and will take questions from the floor. You will also hear from organizations, from different sectors, about their experiences and lessons learned from implementing blockchain-based pilot projects or operational systems. Speakers will talk about the use of blockchain in transportation (including a seaport), finance, supply chains, agriculture, energy and other sectors. Come, learn and contribute to the discussion.

Target Audience

  • UN/CEFACT Experts interested in associating blockchain with UN/CEFACT standards
  • Potential users of blockchain in all fields of activity (even outside UN/CEFACT)
  • All parties that have an interest in easier cross border trade


  • UN/CEFACT eGovernment Domain, Blockchain Project Team

Download:   Agenda


  • Virginia Cram-Martos, CEO, Triangularity, UN/CEFACT Domain Coordinator for Trade Procedures and Project Leader for Blockchain White Paper Project
  • Sean A. McKenna, PhD, Senior Research Manager, Member, IBM Industry Academy IBM Research, Dublin, Ireland
  • Eric E. Cohen, Technology Coach, Cohen Computer Consulting
  • Ian Watt, UN/CEFACT Vice Chair / Marek Laskowski, Blockchain Lab co-founder, Professor of Information and Computing Technologies, Certified Ethereum Blockchain developer, York University
  • Aleksandr Sazonov, Information security consultant, EurAsian Economic Commission
  • Tahseen Khan, UN/CEFACT Vice Chair
  • Virginia Cram-Martos, Triangularity
  • Prof. Ferdinando Ametrano, Bitcoin & Blockchain Technologies, Politecnico di Milano and Milano-Bicocca University
  • Giovanni Pio, Head of Global Change Management, World Food Programme
  • Edmund Gray, Software Architect, Tubbercurry Software Limited (Ireland), UN/CEFACT Domain Coordinator for Supply Chain Management, CEN/TC 434 (EU eInvoicing Standards) Test methodology and Results Convener, NSAI (Irish Standards) eProcurement SC Convener
  • Daniel Sarr, Director of Partnership and Promotion, GAINDE 2000 / Ibrahima Diagne, General Manager, Gainde 2000, Senegal
  • Dennis Dortland Msc., Portbase Has worked in the software industry since 2005, joined Portbase in 2016 and started shaping a vision of the impact that Blockchain technology and applications could have in the (maritime) logistics sector and its impact on logistical processes, including the impact on Port Community Systems around the world.
  • Thierry Grumiaux, Managing Director of the Commission on International Transport, Customs and Logistics, The French National Federation of Road Transporters (FNTR)
  • Dr. Lan Ge, Senior scientist risk and resilience, Wageningen University Economic Research
  • Jorge Alvarado, Blockchain Solutions Architect, ELCA Informatics
  • Yolanda Martinez Mancilla, Head of Digital Government Unit of Mexico
  • Pietro Marchionni, Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale