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Second Session – Team of Specialists on Sustainable Fisheries

Second Session – Team of Specialists on Sustainable Fisheries

31 January - 01 February 2019
Room IX, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Second Session – Team of Specialists on Sustainable Fisheries


Overfishing and Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU) are destructive fishing practices that have a negative impact on sustainable fisheries, livelihoods, and world fish stocks. In recent years, IUU fishing has accounted for a staggering 25% of fish of the annual ocean harvest and was valued at up to $23 billion. This value is lost each year to legitimate fishers. In addition to economic damage, such practices threaten local biodiversity and food security in many countries. An essential step for an effective management of fish resources is the timely acquisition of information on vessels, stocks and catches as well as the exchange of such information between stakeholders.

To address this, UNECE established the Team of Specialists on Sustainable Fisheries, which promotes, facilitates and supports the implementation of sustainable fisheries standards on a global scale, particularly the Fisheries Language for Universal Exchange (UN/FLUX).

The second session of the Team of Specialists on Sustainable Fisheries is scheduled to take place in Geneva from 31 January – 1 February 2019. Participation in this session will be a key opportunity to be involved in ongoing work and setting the Team’s future agenda.

The UNECE Secretariat welcomes key stakeholders from all United Nations Member States to work closely to support the development, enhancement and maintenance of sustainable fishery management practices. As the UN/FLUX standard is adopted by more and more countries, the Team of Specialists is playing a growing role in the fight against IUU.

The Team of Specialists is open to experts with the knowledge and experience to address its mandate, and should be drawn from governmental institutions, business, civil society, consumer organizations, and international organizations.

Agenda and Documents

Item 1. Adoption of the agenda
ToSSF/2019/INF.1 - Draft Agenda (last updated: 28 January 2019)

Item 2. Overview of recent relevant developments

Item 3. Progress on Programme of Work
ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2018/22 - Programme of Work
ToSSF/2019/INF.2 - Progress report on the Programme of work: 2018-2019

Item 4. Implementation and documentation
ToSSF/2019/INF.3 - Template for the development of case studies on UN/FLUX implementation

Item 5. Reports from experts
ToSSF/2019/INF.4 - briefing note on benefits of implementing UN/FLUX, and addressing frequently asked questions
ToSSF/2019/INF.5 - briefing note on the use of UN/FLUX in combatting IUU fishing, and the relationship between UN/FLUX and fisheries subsidies 
ToSSF/2019/INF.6 - draft template for a UN/FLUX implementation document
ToSSF/2019/INF.7 - proposal for the interaction between UN/FLUX and FOCUS 
ToSSF/2019/INF.8 - report on the development of communication materials

Item 6. Planning of future activities

Item 7. Other business

Item 8. Adoption of the decisions and draft report
ToSSF/2019/INF.9 - List of Decisions
ToSSF/2019/INF.10 - Report

Speakers and Presentations

Opening and Introduction

Ms. Olga Algayerova     PPT
Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

H.E. Sek Wannamethee     PPT
Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of Thailand to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva

Mr. Frans van Diepen     PPT
Chair of the Team of Specialists on Sustainable Fisheries
Senior Policy Advisor for The Netherlands’ National Enterprise Agency

Overview of Recent Developments

Mr. Sajal Mathur     PPT
Counsellor, Trade and Environment Division, WTO

Mr. John Finn
Counsellor, Rules Division, WTO

Mr. David Vivas Eugui     PPT
Legal Officer, Trade, Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development, UNCTAD

Ms. Lorenza Jachia     PPT
Economic Affairs Officer, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Mr. Michele Ameri     PPT
Law of the Sea/Ocean Affairs Officer, United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea

Ms. Alicia Mosteiro     PPT
FAO Fishery Officer and Programme Coordinator for the Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels 

Implementation and Documentation

Dr. Sak Segkhoonthod     PPT
President and CEO of Thailand’s Digital Government Agency

Reports from Experts

Mr. Frans van Diepen
Chair of the Team of Specialists on Sustainable Fisheries
Senior Policy Advisor for The Netherlands’ National Enterprise Agency

Mr. Maris Berzins     PPT     PPT     PPT
Policy Officer, DG MARE Data Management Unit, European Commission

Mr Wim van Koningsveld     PPT
Senior Regulation Officer, The Netherlands’ Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate

Ms. Marjoleine Karper     PPT
Fishery Regulation Officer, The Netherlands’ Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate

Ms. Maria Teresa Pisani
Economic Affairs Officer, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Secretariat Contacts

Ms. Maria Teresa Pisani 
Secretary of the Team of Specialist on Sustainable Fisheries UNECE
[email protected]

Ms. Helen Ross 
Associate Information Management Officer
[email protected] 

Ms. Amelia Delle Foglie
[email protected]