Commercial quality standards for agricultural produce are developed and approved by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe through its Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards. These international standards facilitate trade, encourage high-quality production, improve profitability and protect consumer interests. They are used by governments, producers, traders, importers and exporters, as well as international organizations. They cover a wide range of agricultural products, including fresh fruit and vegetables, dry and dried produce, seed potatoes, meat, cut flowers, eggs and egg products.
The Explanatory Brochure on the Standard for Pineapples (ECE/TRADE/398) has been developed to harmonize the interpretation of the standard, thereby facilitating international as well as national trade. It addresses producers and traders, as well as inspection authorities. It corresponds to the latest edition of the UNECE Standard for Pineapples (FFV- 49), which was officially adopted in November 2012. Subsequent revisions to the standard will be placed on the website at:
All members of the United Nations can participate on an equal footing in the activities of the Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards.
All material may be freely quoted or reprinted, but acknowledgement is requested.
Please contact the following address with any comments or enquiries:
Agricultural Standards Unit
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations
The Explanatory Brochure on the Standard for Pineapples (ECE/TRADE/398) has been developed to harmonize the interpretation of the standard, thereby facilitating international as well as national trade. It addresses producers and traders, as well as inspection authorities. It corresponds to the latest edition of the UNECE Standard for Pineapples (FFV- 49), which was officially adopted in November 2012. Subsequent revisions to the standard will be placed on the website at:
All members of the United Nations can participate on an equal footing in the activities of the Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards.
The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations Secretariat concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Mention of company names or commercial products does not imply endorsement by the United Nations.
All material may be freely quoted or reprinted, but acknowledgement is requested.
Please contact the following address with any comments or enquiries:
Agricultural Standards Unit
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations