Mitigating climate change through investments in fossil fuel technologies (ECE Energy Series No. 40)
"Смягчение последствий изменения климата путем привлечения
прямых иностранных инвестиций в передовые технологии использования ископаемых видов топлива "
This report is the principal written deliverable of the project "Mitigating climate change through attracting foreign direct investment in advanced fossil fuel technologies", financed from the United Nations Development Account (UNDA)1. The project, implemented in 2010-2012, covered nine countries: Afghanistan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
The report takes into account findings of the national baseline studies, drafted for each of the nine countries between November 2011 and August 2012. The report summarizes and interprets the experiences, policies, and plans for the future of each country in developing a thermal electricity sector using advanced technologies that reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and exploit the countries’ fossil fuel resources.
"Смягчение последствий изменения климата путем привлечения
прямых иностранных инвестиций в передовые технологии использования ископаемых видов топлива "
This report is the principal written deliverable of the project "Mitigating climate change through attracting foreign direct investment in advanced fossil fuel technologies", financed from the United Nations Development Account (UNDA)1. The project, implemented in 2010-2012, covered nine countries: Afghanistan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
The report takes into account findings of the national baseline studies, drafted for each of the nine countries between November 2011 and August 2012. The report summarizes and interprets the experiences, policies, and plans for the future of each country in developing a thermal electricity sector using advanced technologies that reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and exploit the countries’ fossil fuel resources.