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Eighth meeting of the Expert Group on Indicators

Eighth meeting of the Expert Group on Indicators

15 - 18 September 2008
Paris France

Following the extension of the mandate of the UNECE Expert Group (EG) on Indicators for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), the eighth meeting will be held at the UNESCO premises in Paris (France) from 15 to 18 September 2008. The meeting will consist of two sessions: (1) on 15 and 16 a.m. September 2008 the experts will be working on the first part of the mandate, i.e. related to the Indicators for ESD; and (2) on 16 p.m., 17 and 18 September the experts will be working on the second part of the mandate, i.e. related to the competences in ESD. For the second session of the meeting, additional experts in competences for ESD will be invited. For more information, see documents for this meeting:

Document Title ENG
Agenda (EG on ESD Indicators-8/1)
Draft Guidance for Reporting (EG on ESD Indicators-8/2)  
Template for Good Practices in ESD (EG on ESD Indicators-8/3 and Add.1)
Draft outline of a publication on tools to support the review of implementation of ESD (EG on ESD Indicators-8/4)
Extract of competence-related material from the reporting format (EG on Indicators-8/5)
Template for the a proposal for a mandate for a possible expert group in competences in ESD (EG on Indicators-8/6)
Background documents
The Reporting Format (Advance copy of ECE/CEP/AC.13/2008/2/Add.1)
Discussion paper on competence in ESD in the education sector (ECE/CEP/AC.13/2008/7)
Extract from the CSCT handbook  
Comments by two Italian Experts in Competences in ESD
OECD work on competences for ESD