The Special Session of the Committee on Environmental Policy was held back to back with the Ninth Environmental for Europe Ministerial Conference.
Special Session of the Committee on Environmental Policy
Special Session of the Committee on Environmental Policy
03 - 04 October 2022
Meeting room Kyrenia, ‘Filoxenia’ Conference Centre Nicosia Cyprus
Official documents
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/5 - Annotated provisional agenda for the special session _ 369409 _ English _ 773 _ 359999 _ pdf
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/5 - Annotated provisional agenda for the special session _ 369409 _ French _ 780 _ 360000 _ pdf
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/5 - Annotated provisional agenda for the special session _ 369409 _ Russian _ 864 _ 360001 _ pdf
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/6 - Report of the Committee on Environmental Policy on its special session (advance edited copy) _ 374857 _ English _ 773 _ 371739 _ pdf
29805 _ Summary of the outcomes of the special session and the decisions taken (unedited; as approved by the Committee on 4 October 2022) _ 373089 _ English _ 773 _ 368179 _ pdf
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/7 - Draft Ministerial Declaration of the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference _ 369460 _ English _ 773 _ 360024 _ pdf
ECE_CEP_S_2022_7_E.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 60.3 KB)
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/7 - Draft Ministerial Declaration of the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference _ 369460 _ French _ 780 _ 360026 _ pdf
ECE_CEP_S_2022_7_F.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 64.22 KB)
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/7 - Draft Ministerial Declaration of the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference _ 369460 _ Russian _ 864 _ 360028 _ pdf
ECE_CEP_S_2022_7_R.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 69.37 KB)
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/8 - Extension of the mandate and terms of reference of the Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators _ 369461 _ English _ 773 _ 360045 _ pdf
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/8 - Extension of the mandate and terms of reference of the Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators _ 369461 _ French _ 780 _ 360046 _ pdf
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/8 - Extension of the mandate and terms of reference of the Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators _ 369461 _ Russian _ 864 _ 360047 _ pdf
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/9 - Extension of the mandate of the Expert Group on Environmental Performance Reviews _ 369462 _ English _ 773 _ 360048 _ pdf
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/9 - Extension of the mandate of the Expert Group on Environmental Performance Reviews _ 369462 _ French _ 780 _ 360049 _ pdf
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/9 - Extension of the mandate of the Expert Group on Environmental Performance Reviews _ 369462 _ Russian _ 864 _ 360050 _ pdf
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/10 - Draft programme of work of the Environment subprogramme for 2023 _ 369464 _ English _ 773 _ 360002 _ pdf
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/10 - Draft programme of work of the Environment subprogramme for 2023 _ 369464 _ French _ 780 _ 360003 _ pdf
29805 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/10 - Draft programme of work of the Environment subprogramme for 2023 _ 369464 _ Russian _ 864 _ 360004 _ pdf
Information documents
29806 _ Information paper No. 14 - Provisional time schedule of the special session of the Committee on Environmental Policy _ 371342 _ English _ 773 _ 364020 _ pdf
29806 _ Information paper No. 15 - Second Environmental Performance Review of Armenia: recommendations _ 370926 _ English _ 773 _ 362695 _ pdf
29806 _ Information paper No. 16 - Third Environmental Performance Review of Azerbaijan: recommendations _ 370925 _ English _ 773 _ 362694 _ pdf
29806 _ Information paper No. 17 - Third Environmental Performance of Kyrgyzstan: recommendations _ 371360 _ English _ 773 _ 364073 _ pdf
29806 _ Information paper No. 18 - Outline of key components of the programme of work of the Environment subprogramme for 2024 _ 370963 _ English _ 773 _ 362910 _ pdf
Other materials
29807 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2022/2 - Report of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment on its twenty-fourth session-advance copy _ 371313 _ English _ 773 _ 374286 _ pdf
29807 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2022/2 - Report of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment on its twenty-fourth session-advance copy _ 371313 _ French _ 780 _ 374283 _ pdf
29807 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2022/2 - Report of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment on its twenty-fourth session-advance copy _ 371313 _ Russian _ 864 _ 374285 _ pdf
29807 _ ECE/CEP/AC.13/2022/7 - Draft Nicosia Ministerial Statement on Education for Sustainable Development _ 369981 _ English _ 773 _ 360255 _ pdf
29807 _ ECE/CEP/AC.13/2022/7 - Draft Nicosia Ministerial Statement on Education for Sustainable Development _ 369981 _ French _ 780 _ 360256 _ pdf
29807 _ ECE/CEP/AC.13/2022/7 - Draft Nicosia Ministerial Statement on Education for Sustainable Development _ 369981 _ Russian _ 864 _ 360257 _ pdf
29807 _ EUR/RC72/17(C) - Implementation of the European Environment and Health Process. Progress report. 2022 _ 369982 _ English _ 773 _ 360258 _ pdf
29807 _ EUR/RC72/17(C) - Implementation of the European Environment and Health Process. Progress report. 2022 _ 369982 _ French _ 780 _ 360259 _ pdf
29807 _ EUR/RC72/17(C) - Implementation of the European Environment and Health Process. Progress report. 2022 _ 369982 _ Russian _ 864 _ 360260 _ pdf
29807 _ EUR/RC72/17(C) - Implementation of the European Environment and Health Process. Progress report. 2022 _ 369982 _ German _ 786 _ 360261 _ pdf
29808 _ Item 3. Environmental performance reviews - Key achievements to date and main challenges in advancing environmental agenda for sustainable development, within the substantive framework of the Second EPR - Ms. Ruzanna Grigoryan, Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia _ 372372 _ English _ 773 _ 366634 _ pdf
29808 _ Item 3. Environmental performance reviews - Environmental Performance Review Programme: overview of activities - UNECE _ 372373 _ English _ 773 _ 366635 _ pdf
29808 _ Item 3. Environmental performance reviews - Environmental Performance Reviews: boosting the implementation rate - Mr. Harry Liiv, Estonia, the Chair of the Expert Group on EPRs _ 372374 _ English _ 773 _ 366636 _ pdf