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Fifth reporting exercise under the Protocol on Water and Health (November 2021-April 2022)

According to article 6 of the Protocol, Parties shall set intersectoral targets on water, sanitation, hygiene and health within two years of becoming a Party. Article 7 requires Parties to collect and evaluate data on their progress towards the achievement of the targets set and on indicators designed to show how far that progress has contributed towards preventing, controlling or reducing water-related disease. The objectives of the triennial reporting cycles are:

(a) To assess progress achieved in each individual country (self-assessment by reporting countries and assessment by the Meeting of the Parties);
(b) To exchange experience and share lessons learned;
(c) To identify the main challenges/obstacles and the most relevant regional developments related to the implementation of the Protocol, thereby informing activities within the Protocol’s programme of work;
(d) To gather harmonized information on water, sanitation, hygiene and health in the pan-European region.

Official documents
Document title ENG FRE RUS
Template for summary reports under the Protocol on Water and Health DOC DOC DOC
Guidelines for summary reports in accordance with article 7 of the Protocol on Water and Health PDF PDF PDF

Regional report on the status of implementation of the Protocol

Report of the Compliance Committee to the Meeting of the Parties


Summary reports (5th cycle)
Party Date submitted ENG FRE RUS Other languages
Albania 20 April 2022 PDF - -  
Azerbaijan 8 April 2022 PDF - PDF  
Belarus 20 April 2022 PDF - PDF  
Belgium 12 May 2022 PDF - -  
Bosnia and Herzegovina 19 April 2022 PDF - -  
Croatia 9 May 2022 PDF - -  
Czech Republic 11 April 2022 PDF - -  
Estonia 19 April 2022 PDF - -  
Finland 21 April 2022 PDF - -  
France 3 May 2022 PDF PDF -  
Germany 13 April 2022 PDF - -  
Hungary 31 August 2022 PDF      
Latvia 5 May 2022 PDF - -  
Lithuania 20 April 2022 PDF - -  
Luxembourg 27 April 2022 PDF PDF -  
Montenegro 20 April 2022 PDF - -  
Netherlands 21 April 2022 PDF      
Norway 20 April 2022 PDF - -  
Portugal 20 April 2022 PDF - -  
Republic of Moldova 20 April 2022 PDF - -  
Romania 14 April 2022 PDF - -  
Russian Federation 28 April 2022 PDF - PDF  
Serbia 22 April 2022 PDF - -  
Slovakia 19 April 2022 PDF - -  
Spain 19 April 2022 PDF - -  
Switzerland 21 April 2022 PDF PDF - GER
Ukraine 1 September 2022 PDF      
Non-Party Date submitted ENG FRE RUS  
Armenia 18 April 2022 PDF - -  
Georgia 26 April 2022 PDF - -  
Israel 18 April 2022 PDF - -  
Italy 5 May 2022 PDF - -  
Malta 25 April 2022 PDF - -  
Republic of San Marino 12 April 2022 PDF - -  
Slovenia 10 May 2022 PDF - -  
Uzbekistan 21 April 2022 PDF - PDF  



Last update date: January 23, 2023