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133rd meeting

25 March 2024 15:00 - 18:00
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Title English  French Russian
Item 1, ECE/EX/2024/2 - Provisional agenda  pdf pdf pdf
Item 2, EXCOM Conclu-132 - Chair's Conclusions from 132nd meeting pdf    
Item 3(a), 2024/7 - SWGA Chair's report 



Item 3(b), ECE/EX/2024/L.4 - Decisions relating to the Standing Working Group on Aging pdf pdf pdf
Item 4(a), 2024/8 - COFFI Chair's report



Item 4(b), ECE/EX/2024/L.5 - Decisions relating to the Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry  pdf pdf pdf
Item 5(a), 2024/9 - ITC Chair's report



Item 5(b), ECE/EX/2024/L.6 - Decisions on matters relating to the Inland Transport Committee  pdf pdf pdf
Item 5(b) - Note by the Secretariat pdf    
Item 6, 2024/10 - Urban Tree Policy Action for Climate and SDGs pdf    
Item 6 2024/11 - Communicating the value of urban tree policy action… pdf    
Item 6, 2024/12 - Increasing Awareness for Road Safety, phase II pdf    
Item 6, 2024/13 - Enabling inclusivity by gender mainstreaming pdf    
Item 6, 2024/14 - Building a road safety culture, phase II pdf