127th meeting
16 March 2023
Geneva Switzerland
39799 _ Item 1, ECE/EX/2023/2 - Provisional Agenda _ 376010 _ English _ 773 _ 375637 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 1, ECE/EX/2023/2 - Provisional Agenda _ 376010 _ French _ 780 _ 375638 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 1, ECE/EX/2023/2 - Provisional Agenda _ 376010 _ Russian _ 864 _ 375639 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 2, EXCOM/CONCLU/126 - Chair’s conclusions from the 126th meeting _ 376226 _ English _ 773 _ 375473 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 4, 2023/10 - Standing Working Group on Ageing - Chair's report _ 376049 _ English _ 773 _ 375127 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 4 - Standing Working Group on Ageing - Chair's presentation _ 376754 _ English _ 773 _ 376457 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 4, ECE/EX/2023/L.7 - Decisions relating to the Standing Working Group on Ageing _ 376063 _ English _ 773 _ 375148 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 4, ECE/EX/2023/L.7 - Decisions relating to the Standing Working Group on Ageing _ 376063 _ French _ 780 _ 375149 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 4, ECE/EX/2023/L.7 - Decisions relating to the Standing Working Group on Ageing _ 376063 _ Russian _ 864 _ 375150 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 5, 2023/11 - Inland Transport Committee - Chair's report _ 376227 _ English _ 773 _ 375474 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 5 - Inland Transport Committee - Chair's presentation _ 376755 _ English _ 773 _ 376458 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 5, ECE/EX/2023/L.8 - Decision on matters relating to the Inland Transport Committee _ 376228 _ English _ 773 _ 375495 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 5, ECE/EX/2023/L.8 - Decision on matters relating to the Inland Transport Committee _ 376228 _ French _ 780 _ 375496 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 5, ECE/EX/2023/L.8 - Decision on matters relating to the Inland Transport Committee _ 376228 _ Russian _ 864 _ 375497 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 6, 2023/12 - Draft decisions for consideration by the Economic Commission for Europe on items related to the Inland Transport Committee _ 376210 _ English _ 773 _ 375456 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 8, 2023/13 - Energy Connectivity in Central Asia _ 376051 _ English _ 773 _ 375129 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 8, 2023/14 - Forests and Forest Knowledge for Resilient, Low-Carbon Urban and Rural Communities _ 376052 _ English _ 773 _ 375130 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 8, 2023/15 - Motorcycle Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) Advocacy Campaign in the ASEAN countries _ 376054 _ English _ 773 _ 375132 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 8, 2023/16 - Better Road Safety System based on in-depth analysis of road accidents in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia _ 376055 _ English _ 773 _ 375133 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 8, 2023/17 - Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for Africa and Asia (Phase 2) _ 376056 _ English _ 773 _ 375134 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 8, 2023/18 - Forum of Mayors: Strengthening capacities of UNECE member States on sustainable urban development, housing and land management _ 376057 _ English _ 773 _ 375135 _ pdf
39799 _ Item 8, 2023/19 - Enhancing urban planning in the cities of Kharkiv and Mykolaiv in Ukraine by supporting to the implementation of the new master plans and facilitating investments in sustainable urban infrastructure _ 376209 _ English _ 773 _ 375455 _ pdf