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First Global round table on PRTRs

19 November 2013
Geneva Switzerland

The First Global Round Table on PRTRs was held on 19 November 2013 in  Geneva (Palais des Nations, Salle VII),  back to back with the third meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Protocol on PRTRs (20-21 November 2013). The event was organised under the auspices of UNECE and OECD, in cooperation with UNITAR. The round table took stock of successes and challenges in implementing the PRTR Protocol and PRTRs systems to date in order to create a snapshot which can guide future activities towards implementation of new PRTRs, and enhancements to existing PRTRs. For further information please check the latest press release.

Documents for the meeting, statements made during the meeting, and the meeting report are available below.

Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers online Survey, November 2013.

This survey was jointly prepared by OECD, UNECE and UNITAR and open to participants and other interested public. Preliminary outcomes of the survey were presented at the Global round table event. Final results can be used to help the PRTR community in planning and implementation of future activities.

In the Document section below, you will find a pdf-file of the survey's summery, a table with the raw data from survey results in order to allow you to make use of the data, and powerpoint slides with graphics of results for each question.

Documents and background material:

Documents and background material:


Provisional Programme PDF   PDF PDF
Report of the Global round table on PRTRs  held in Geneva on 19 November 2013, ECE/MP.PRTR/2014/7 PDF   PDF PDF
List of Speakers PDF      
Implementation guide to the Protocol PDF PDF PDF PDF
Text of the Protocol PDF PDF PDF PDF
PRTR:Learn Brochure PDF PDF   PDF
Summary of the PRTR online survey PDF      
Raw data from the PRTR online survey XLS      
Slides with the results from the PRTR online survey PPT      
Global round table brochure PDF      
List of Participants PDF  


Item 1: Opening Statements
Mr. Sven Alkalaj, ECE Executive Secretary PDF
Ambassador Remigi Winzap, Permanent representative of Switzerland to the World Trade Organization and the European Free Trade Association PDF
Item 2: PRTRs: benefits and opportunities
Mr. Stephen De Vito, Senior Scientist, Environmental Protection Agency, United States PRTR Information in Sustainability PDF
Mr. Øyvind Hetland, Senior Engineer, Norwegian Environment Agency PRTRs to show use of resources-Energy consumption and waste minimisation PDF
Mr. Marcos Serrano, Head of Department of Environmental Statistics and Information, Ministry of Environment, Chile How PRTRs could function as a single window for environmental reporting PDF
Ms. Silvia Nicolaescu, Main Advisory officer, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Moldova Develop national inventories in compiance with international agreements PDF
Ms. Kristina Saarinen, Team Leader, Environment Institute, Finland GHG Emission Inventories PDF
Mr. Jan Marsak, Director of Waste Management Department, Ministry of the Environment, Czech Republic Communicate environmental information to the public PDF
Item 3: Problematic areas and pathways for progress: good practices in PRTRs implementation
Ms. Sabrina Andrade, Hazardous waste manager, Ministry of the Environment, Brazil PRTR, How to ensure effective involvement of enterprises PDF
Mr. Uri Shilhav, PRTR coordinator, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Israel How the PRTRs data is managed PDF

Mr. Inigo De Vincente-Mingarro, PRTR expert, PRTR-España, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain

Estimation techniques in PRTRs PDF

Ms. Mara Silina, Programme coordinator, European Environmental Bureau / European ECO Forum

Role of NGOs and needs of PRTR data users PDF

Mr. Dmytro Skrylnikov, Head of the Bureau of Environmental Investigation

PRTRs implementation in countries with economies in transition PDF
Item 4: Harmonized PRTRs
Ms. Eva Goossens, Project manager-Industrial emissions, European Environment Agency E-PRTR PDF
Ms. Marcia Cecilia Suazo Hernandez, Environmental Engineer, Ministry of the Environment, Honduras Central America and Dominican Republic PRTR PDF
Mr. Stephen De Vito, Senior Scientist, Environmental Protection Agency, United States PRTRs in North America PDF
Item 5: Joining efforts and looking for synergy: international forums dealing with PRTRs
Mr. Nicholas Obe, United Kingdom, Vice-Chair of the Meeting of the Parties to the ECE Protocol on PRTRs Activities under the Protocol PDF
Mr. Noriyuki Suzuki, Japan, Chair of the Task Force on PRTRs under OECD OECD activities on PRTRs PDF
Mr. Jorge Ocaña, Task Manager - POPs and Chemicals, UNEP - DTIE (Chemicals Branch / GEF Operations) PRTRs and the GEF PDF
The following presentation was not presented at the meeting, but is made available as a background material: ESP
Ms. Sonia González, Directora General de Investigacion e Información Ambiental, Ministerio del Ambiente, Perú Registro de Emisiones y Transferencia de Contaminantes RETC PDF