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Decision VII/8f concerning the European Union

Document Status Date received or posted by the Secretariat
Decision VII/8f of the Meeting of the Parties on compliance by the European Union with its obligations under the Convention
Adopted by the Meeting of the Parties at its 7th session 21.10.2021
Invitation to open session at Committee's 73rd meeting on how to prepare the European Union’s plan of action From the secretariat 08.12.2021
Email to the Party concerned forwarding the Committee’s Information Note and template for the plan of action From the secretariat 08.02.2022
Email inviting the communicants and observers to comment and attend virtual meeting on draft plan of action on the implementation of decision VII/8f From the Party concerned 29.03.2022
Comments on draft plan of action From the communicant of communications ACCC/C/2010/54 and ACCC/C/2013/96 22.04.2022
Email enclosing draft plan of action
Annex 1: Minutes of virtual meeting of 25.04.2022
Annex 2: Presentation by the Commission 25.04.2022
Annex 3: Comments from ClientEarth
Annex 4: Comments from EEB and others
Annex 5: Comments from Mr. Swords
From the Party concerned 01.07.2022
Email enclosing plan of action From the Party concerned 31.07.2022
Email inviting comments from communicants and observers on plan of action From the secretariat 29.08.2022
Comments on plan of action From the communicant of communications ACCC/C/2010/54 and ACCC/C/2013/96 16.09.2022
Invitation to open session on plan of action at Committee's 77th meeting From the secretariat 03.12.2022
Email to Party concerned providing brief summary of Committee's concerns on plan of action From the secretariat 08.12.2022
Letter to Party concerned reminding of deadline for first progress report From the secretariat 01.09.2023
First progress report From the Party concerned 29.09.2023
Email inviting comments from communicants and observers on first progress report From the secretariat 02.10.2023
Comments on first progress report From the communicant of communications ACCC/C/2010/54 and ACCC/C/2013/96 29.10.2023
Email enclosing comments on first progress report From observers EEB and others 30.10.2023
Email enclosing joint NGO position paper on the revision of Regulation 2018/1999 on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action From the observers CAN Europe, EEB and others 29.03.2024
Email to the Party concerned enclosing the Committee’s first progress review From the secretariat 10.06.2024
Final progress report From the Party concerned 01.10.2024
Email inviting comments from communicants and observers on final progress report  From the secretariat 02.10.2024
Communicant’s comments on final progress report From the communicant of communications ACCC/C/2010/54 and ACCC/C/2013/96 28.10.2024
Comments on final progress report From the observers EEB and CAN Europe 30.10.2024