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12/13AW: Sustainable forest management for greener economies in the Caucasus and Central Asia

Sustainable forest management for greener economies in the Caucasus and Central Asia

EXCOM approval

Planning phase

Implementation phase

Final Reporting
and Evaluation phase

EXCOM form

Concept paper
Project document, including the budget
•Work/implementation plan

Monitoring the Implementation

Final/Terminal report

Evaluation ToR
Evaluation report


Midpoint/Annual Progress ReportsAnnual funds utilization reports
  • Midpoint report
  • Annual progress report




2014 (see the end of the annual progress report)

2015 final expenditures 

Part I. Planning

Part II. Implementation

Expected accomplishments

Planned activities

Estimated costs (US$)

Implemented activities

Actual expenditures (US$)

EA 1: Enhanced knowledge of countries to develop policies for enhancing the forest sector’s contribution to greener economies

A1.1 Development of training modules and training material (“train the trainers”) on sustainable forest management in a green economy, wood energy and data collection.


A training package, including training modules and train the trainers’ instructions, was developed by the project. It addresses forest policy formulation in a green economy and climate change context, with particular attention to bio-energy generation from wood and data collection on forests and forest products. This package will form the basis of the capacity building activities scheduled in 2014 and 2015 and was be piloted at the regional inception workshop. Available at the project website.


A1.2  Capacity building through regional, national and local workshops, each of them will cover the three following themes, policy formulation, bioenergy, data collection


The regional inception workshop was organized in 14-16 April 2014, in Astana, Kazakhstan. 7 national workshops, 9 coching workshops and 28 local workshops in were organized 2014-2015. Detailed information with dates and locations are available at the project website and in the reports uploaded to the website for each country. The final report of the project summarizes all activities.


A1.3 One concluding regional forest policy workshop (3days + 1 day study tour) to share lessons learned from all participating countries, in particular from the three pilot countries that have developed action plans, and to formulate recommendations for follow-up at national and international level.


The concluding regional workshop took place 21-24 April 2015 in Tbilisi, Georgia. The presentations and report are availble at the meeting website.



A.1.4. Establishment of a web-based hub (portal hosted by UNECE/FAO) for knowledge management on forest-related issues in the Caucasus and Central Asia


This was completed as a project website.


EA 2: Improved capacity of countries to develop policies for enhancing the forest sector’s contribution to greener economies.

A2.1 Coaching program in three countries for the development of national action plans for implementing sustainable forest management to enhance the forest sector’s contribution to a green economy


The coaching program was implemented in three pilot countries: Georgia, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.

Representatives of the national forest authorities in the 3 pilot countries participated in the joint UNECE-FAO session in Rovaniemi, Finland, 7-13 December 2013. This allowed the representatives to contribute to the endorsement of the Rovaniemi Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy that formed the basis of the coaching program for this project. In addition, all project countries were supported to participate in the joint session of UNECE Committee of Forests and the Forest Industry and FAO European Forestry Commission in Engelberg, Switzerland, 2-6 November 2015.
Georgia developed an action plan, Kazakhstan revised the forest programme and Tajikistan contributed to new forest strategy development with the project activities to include green economy aspects.
All reports from national consultants are available at the project website.


Project management27,10026,708
Project evaluation13,500The evaluation consultant was paid 10,000 from another budget.8,500


