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12 June Regional Technology and Investement Center

Session Agenda ENG FRE RUS
Tracking Progress in Sustainable Energy: GTF Regional Reports and Regulatory Indicators of Sustainable Energy PDF    
Session materials ENG FRE RUS
Background Documents for "Tracking Progress in Sustainable Energy: GTF Regional Reports and Regulatory Indicators of Sustainable Energy"      
Key messages - UNECE Progress in Sustainable Energy: Beyond Headline Indicators PDF    
Key messages - GTF Arab Regional Report: ESCWA
Progress in Sustainable Energy: The Arab Region
Key messages - Exective Summary - Progress in Sustainable Energy in Asia and the Pacific PDF    
Key Messages - Global Tracking Framework (Africa) 2017 PDF    
Presentations ENG FRE RUS
Introduction from Ms. Stefanie Held, Moderator, UNECE PDF    
Ms. Vivien Foster, Global Lead for Energy Economics, Markets & Institutions, World Bank PDF    
Mr. Monga Mehlwana, Industrialisation & Infrastructure Regional  Integration & Trade Division, ECA PDF    
Mr. Hongpeng Liu, Director, a.i., Energy Division, ESCAP PDF    
Ms. Radia Sedaoui, Chief Energy Section at the Sustainable Development Policies Division, ESCWA PDF    
Mr. Scott Foster, Director, Sustainable Energy Division, UNECE PDF