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Displaying Results 1 - 20 of 328

- English
The contest was launched as a joint project of the UNECE and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) at the beginning of 2014. A small committee selected ten winners who received their 50 Lari cheques at an award ceremony organized in the UN House in Tbilisi in July. Many of the older writers
… To see the characters behind these stories, award-winning Georgian photographer Mzia Lekveishvili visited them in … They provide a snapshot of the realities of older people in Georgia. The pictures and stories are as diverse as Georgia
- English
Georgia engaged in an impressive array of reforms during the past two decades, turning it into one of the most open, well-governed countries with economies in transition in the UNECE region. The regulatory climate for doing business ranks among the best globally, and Georgia has become a vibrant
… G eorgia i Innovation for Sustainable Development Review of Georgia In no va tio n fo r Su st ai na bl e D ev el op m en … thank the Government of Georgia, the national focal point, Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA), and other …
- English
This is the second EPR of Georgia published by UNECE. The report takes stock of the progress made by Georgia in the management of its environment since the country was first reviewed in 2001. It assesses the implementation of the recommendations in the first review (Annex I). It also covers nine
… This is the second EPR of Georgia published by UNECE. The report takes stock of the progress made by Georgia in the management of its environment since the …
- English
Public procurement represents 10 per cent of Georgia’s GDP. Therefore, innovation-enhancing procurement (IEP) can be a powerful policy lever to catalyze innovation and promote sustainability. Using public procurement to drive innovation was one of the recommendations of the
… i Handbook on Innovation-enhancing Procurement for Georgia U N ECE U N ITED N ATIO N S UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC … measure impact, guide action plans, reflect critically on Georgia’s IEP system, and facilitate learning from prior …
- English
ECE/DP/80Overview of the State of Forests and Forest Management in Georgia derives from the project on the state of forests in the Caucasus and Central Asia and presents the forest resources and the forest sector of Georgia, including trends in, and pressures on forests. The overview describes
… Overview of the State of Forests and Forest Management in Georgia derives from the project on the state of forests in … and presents the forest resources and the forest sector of Georgia, including trends in, and pressures on forests. The …
- English
This is the first EPR of Georgia. Special attention was given during the reviews to the quality, use and supply of water resources, including drinking water, air and waste management, economic instruments, international cooperation, integration of environmental consideration into economic
… This is the first EPR of Georgia. Special attention was given during the reviews to … World Bank and WHO for their contributions to the work in Georgia and the preparation of this report. Readmore  ENG …
- English
This Country Profile on the Housing Sector of Georgia is the eleventh in the series published by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. It contains a comprehensive analysis of the housing sector and provides policy recommendations to help policymakers develop strategies and
… This Country Profile on the Housing Sector of Georgia is the eleventh in the series published by the … English Russian … Country Profiles on the Housing Sector: Georgia
- English
The present publication contains the third Environmental Performance Review of Georgia. The review takes stock of the progress made by Georgia in the management of its environment since the country was reviewed in 2010 for the second time. It assesses the implementation of the recommendations
… NATIONS Environmental Performance Reviews Third Review Georgia UNECE ECE/CEP/177 UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION …
- English
National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management in Georgia under the EU Water Initiative.The National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management (NPD/IWRM) led by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Georgia in cooperation with the UNECE and with the
… Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management in Georgia under the EU Water Initiative. The National Policy … led by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Georgia in cooperation with the UNECE and with the support …
- English
Road safety is an important sustainable development goal, yet relatively underappreciated and greatly underfunded. Every year, more than 1.2 million people die and another 50 million are injured in road traffic accidents around the world. Approximately 90% of all road accidents occur in low- and
… safety, was implemented in Albania, Dominican Republic, Georgia and Viet Nam. The Road Safety Performance Reviews … Download the Review here … Road Safety Performance Review - Georgia
- English
National Political Dialogue on Integrated Management of Water Resources in Georgia in the Framework of European Water Initiative. Transboundary Water resources Management Problems in Georgia, Transboundary Water Cooperation with Neighboring Azerbaijan and Getting Prepared for accession of Georgia
… - Georgia National Political Dialogue on Integrated Management of Water Resources in Georgia in the Framework of European Water Initiative …
- English
The report provides an overview of the general trade and regulatory context of Georgia and an analysis of the key economic figures of the pharmaceutical sector, such as industry composition and dynamics, and exports. It gives an overview of the country’s transport networks and presents key facts of
… products under HS heading 30.3 (Medicaments) and 30.4 from Georgia to the Central Asian countries Draft United Nations … Central Asian countries United Nations Geneva, 2022 BPA of Georgia’s Exports of Medicaments to Central Asia (Part A - …
- English
The report lists achievements and challenges of the NPD process in Georgia, started in 2010. It includes overview of water sector and a list of projects carried out in
… lists achievements and challenges of the NPD process in Georgia, started in 2010. It includes overview of water … management by international agencies and donors in Georgia since 2001. Download … Results and lessons learned …
- English
Review of the Georgian Legal and Institutional Water Framework and Recomendations for Implementation of EU Water Framework Directive Principles, including Preparation of a National Water Law. National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management in Georgia under the EU Water Initiative
… Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management in Georgia under the EU Water Initiative Review of the Georgian … Clear policies and objectives for managing and protecting Georgia’s water resources have to be set out. 4) More …
- English
This publication is the third UNECE's report on country-level projects entitled Road Maps for Mainstreaming Ageing, undertaken in UNECE member States at the request of their Governments.(Road Map - ECE-
… Map - ECE-WG.1-22 ) … Roadmap for mainstreaming ageing in Georgia
- English
The Smart Sustainable City Profile of Tbilisi aims to showcase the progress of Tbilisi in its transition to becoming a smart and sustainable in the context of SDG 11 and other urban-related SDGs with the overall aim of assisting the city in realizing its ambitious vision of becoming one of the
… le Tb ili si , G eo rg ia Tbilisi is the largest city in Georgia and its capital. It is the centre of the country’s …
- English
… 15. Share of Energy Sources Used for Space Heating in Georgia, 2019 93 FIGURE 16. Primary Energy Intensity in the … Naik (Adjaristsqali Georgia LLC); Dan Potash (Securing Georgia’s Energy Future Program of the US Agency for …
- English
This report summarizes the impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic had during 2020 in the forest sector of the countries in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine
… and Central Asia (EECCA) (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian … …
- English
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21)  issued the REN21 UNECE Renewable Energy Status Report 2017.  The UNECE Renewable
… Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Montenegro, …
- English
ECE/TIM/DP/26Read more
… Read more … Forest and Forest Products Country Profile: Georgia by Kate Metreveli …