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Displaying Results 801 - 820 of 841

- English
The rapidly evolving landscape of data production and sharing is an opportunity for national statistical offices to reconsider their position in the national data ecosystem and take on a broader role as a provider of data services. A concept often used in association with this changing role is data
… (Statistics Denmark), Ott Velsberg (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia), Urmet Lee, Veiko … Morrin (Central Statistics Office, Ireland), Ms. Assem Kairgeldina (Bureau of national statistics, Kazakhstan), … management should be organised and implemented, or what conventions should be followed when doing so. 81. Data …
- English
The Forest Products Annual Market Review 2020-2021 provides a comprehensive analysis of markets in the UNECE region and reports on the main market influences beyond the region. It covers products from the forest to the end user and from roundwood and primary processed products to value-added,
… took the opportunity for do-it-yourself remodelling and repairs in their homes, including home offices, and the … into 2021, with higher-than-expected demand. This, paired with depleted inventories and a slow supply, led to … and fewer pieces to carry the same loads compared with conventional wood products. In addition to the EWPs …
- English
Social cohesion, broadly speaking, is the ‘glue’ that binds society together. Societies with higher levels of social cohesion are healthier, more resilient to external shocks, and experience greater economic growth. An understanding of social cohesion helps us make sense of a wide range of topics
… Policy Research Networks (Maxwell, 1996) State of affairs concerning both the vertical and horizontal … diversity), connectedness (identity, trust in government, fairness), and focus on the common good (helping others, … matrix was deemed appropriate for factor analysis based on conventional tests (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin’s Measure of Sampling …
- Español
 ECE/MP.WAT/52 Download the Brochure in Arabic, English,
… Suiza Teléfono: +41 22 917 10 32 Correo electrónico: Impreso en papel …
- English
  The purpose of this publication is to guide national statistical offices and other responsible agencies on the use of registers and administrative data in population and housing censuses, including operational, practical, technical and legal aspects. The publication was prepared by a task
… following members: Eric Schulte Nordholt (Netherlands, Chair of the task force), Adelheid Bauer (Austria), Julie … characteristics through the completion of census questionnaires, either in paper form or electronically. The … Ï The entire usual resident population of Estonia; Ï All conventional dwellings regardless of occupancy, and occupied …
- Français
La feuille de route contient des informations complètes à l’intention des experts et conseillers juridiques des ministères et départements chargés des transports, ainsi que des autres ministères concernés (par exemple, environnement, intérieur, affaires étrangères), des administrations
… sur les droits et licences, y compris les droits subsidiaires, doivent être adressées à : Publications des Nations … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Harmonisation entre conventions et accords internationaux . . . . . . . . . . . …
- Français
Plus de 60 % des fleuves du monde sont partagés par deux ou plusieurs États riverains. La gestion durable et collaborative de ces ressources en eaux transfrontières est cruciale pour assurer l’accès à l’eau et le développement durable, ainsi que la paix et la stabilité au niveau régional. De
… un tableau d’ensemble des besoins de financement à satisfaire pour créer et faire fonctionner un organisme commun, … des bassins (CEE-ONU 2021), élaborée dans le cadre de la Convention sur l’eau sous la direction de la Suisse et des …
- Español
El Convenio sobre la protección y utilización de los cursos de agua transfronterizos y de los lagos internacionales (Convenio del Agua) fue adoptado en 1992 y entró en vigor en 1996. Reúne casi todos los países que compar- ten aguas transfronterizas en la región paneuropea y se espera que alcance
… Tel.: +41 22 917 1032 Fax: +41 22 917 0107 E-mail: Internet: …
- Español
Prestar apoyo a la cooperación en materia de aguas transfronterizas y a la gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos compartidos La Convención del Agua, que celebró su 30º aniversario en 2022, es un marco jurídico e intergubernamental clave para promover la cooperación en materia de aguas
… cualquier pregunta, consulte: El programa de trabajo completo está …
- Español
Los recursos hídricos y los ecosistemas sustentan el desarrollo socioeconómico en la energía y la agricultura, así como en la industria, el turismo, la navegación y otros sectores. Sin embargo, estos desarrollos también ejercen una presión significativa sobre el medio ambiente, con impactos sobre
… work-convention/water-food-energy-ecosystem-nexus. 6 CEPE/ONU, … work-convention/ water-food-energy-ecosystem-nexus. 68 Diálogos … hídricos en Oriente Próximo y el Norte de África (FAO, El Cairo, 2017). 84 CEPE/ONU y UNESCO, Progreso en la …
- Español
Los requisitos pluridimensionales del desarrollo sostenible dependen principalmente del uso óptimo y responsable de los recursos naturales. Se requiere un nuevo paradigma de producción y utilización de los recursos naturales, lo que incluye avanzar hacia una economía circular, para asumir la
… de lo posible y sin vertidos a la tierra, el agua o el aire para que no amenacen el medio ambiente o la salud …
- Français
The objective of the Collection of good practices and lessons learned on target setting and reporting under the Protocol on Water and Health is to provide concrete advice to countries planning to embark on the process of setting, revising or implementing targets, and reporting on the progress
… lettre morte. Le Protocole sur l’eau et la santé à la Convention de 1992 sur la protection et l’utilisation des … à la situation socioéconomique, environnementale et sanitaire de chaque pays, ainsi qu’à ses besoins et priorités …
- English
This publication provides comparable data on road traffic accidents in Europe, Canada and the United States. Data are organized by the nature of accident, and the number of persons killed or injured, by category or road user, age group and sex. As background data, figures on the number of road
… with economies in transition. The norms, standards and conventions developed at UNECE in the areas of environment, … Secretariat of UNECE on the basis of replies to questionnaires submitted by member countries and from official …
- Pусский
Доступно на английском и русском языках. (ECE/CEP/118, 79 стр.) Страны Восточной Европы, Кавказа и Центральной Азии охвачены процессом "Окружающая среда для Европы", осуществляемым под эгидой Европейской экономической комиссии Организации Объединенных Наций в целях укрепления международного
… and some other coun- tries in transition in international air pollution monitoring and assessment networks …
- English
This guide provides practical advice on the different sources of finance available to innovative companies in the early stages of their development. It also presents the various policy options and instruments that can be deployed by the public sector to increase the supply of potentially
… while attempting to raise external finance. As a result, conventional financial intermediaries are not ready to … etc. through special forums, conferences, venture fairs or online discussions and interaction platforms will …
- Français
This study on railway reform in the ECE Region looks at the history of railway reform within its member States and looks at how it has been implemented through a number of examples, highlighting that railway reform across the ECE region has taken different forms in terms of institutional structure
… Ranghetti. L’étude s’appuie sur des recherches documentaires et bénéficie de l’aimable contribution des … 7 Premier paquet ferroviaire … 2001/16/CE fixait pour le réseau ferroviaire transeuropéen conventionnel des dispositions relatives à … subsides publics doivent être clairement définis par des conventions de service, afin que les déficits non planifiés …
- English
Innovation – or the systematic experimentation with new ideas – is essential for the sustained economic growth and enhanced competitiveness of the seven countries of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA), i.e., Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
… were Kris Boschmans, Senior Researcher, and Alasdair Reid, Policy Director, both at the European Future … for a much more significant role of industrial policy than conventional horizontal and R&D-based innovation policy. In … councils are often anchored at the ministerial level, chaired by the Prime Minister, and supported by a strong …
- English
This handbook covers the key steps and considerations to set up, run, and evaluate business incubation programmes. Section 1 outlines the defining characteristics of BIs and their effectiveness in transition economies. Section 2 describes the stages of business incubator creation, namely: BI
… Development Section. Christopher Athey, Economic Affairs Officer and Secretary to the SPECA WG on ITSD in the … including Tengfei Wang and Michal Podolski, Economic Affairs Officers at ESCAP; Dina Azhgaliyeva, Research Fellow at … less than the average duration of start-up projects in conventional BIs. An acceleration programme built on these …
- Français
Lors de sa quatre-vingt-cinquième session, en septembre 2022, le Forum mondial de la sécurité routière (WP.1) a adopté une résolution sur les questions de sécurité relatives aux activités autres que la conduite auxquelles se livre le conducteur lorsqu’un système de conduite automatisé émettant des
… pour objectif de fournir aux Parties contractantes aux Conventions de 1949 et de 1968 sur la circulation routière … de toutes les fonctions opérationnelles et tactiques nécessaires au déplacement du véhicule. Il s’agit notamment du …
- Français
Le nombre d’accidents de la route reste inacceptablement élevé et représente l’une des principales causes de décès et de blessures dans le monde, faisant plus de 1,3 million de morts et 50 millions de blessés par an, dont 90 % dans les pays en dé-veloppement. Tous les pays et toutes les régions du
… DES VÉHICULES H.1 Protéger les véhicules de façon sécuritaire et respectueuse de l’environnement H.2 L’Accord de 1997 … un cadre régional pour l’élaboration et l’harmonisation de conventions et de normes. Les experts de la Commission …