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Displaying Results 521 - 540 of 1008

L'évolution du commerce international et des transports sera fortement influencée par le développement des technologies de l.information (TI) et, notamment, par les applications exploitant l.Internet et le web. L.idée que la libéralisation du commerce mondial profitera à tous les pays, et en
… L'évolution du commerce international et des transports sera fortement influencée par le développement …
- Français
La quatrième édition du Livre bleu continue de fournir des informations précises sur le Forum mondial de l’harmonisation des Règlements concernant les véhicules (WP.29), qui relève des services de la Division des transports durables de la CEE − son histoire, son cadre administratif et juridique à
… réglementation mondiale et unique. Il relève du Comité des transports intérieurs de la CEE, dont il est l’un des …
- Français
Les recommandations paneuropéennes pour les bateaux de navigation intérieure visent à établir un régime harmonisé de prescriptions techniques pour les bateaux qui transportent des marchandises et des passagers au niveau international. Ces recommandations sont le résultat des efforts déployés par
… harmonisé de prescriptions techniques pour les bateaux qui transportent des marchandises et des passagers au niveau … adoptées pour la première fois par le Groupe de travail des transports par voie navigable (SC.3) en 1975 par la …
- Français
Disponible en anglais, français et
… contiennent les principes et les éléments clés pour le transport sûr des matières dangereuses par conduites, soit …
This publication provides comparable data on causes, types and results of accidents in Europe, Canada and the United States. Data are organized by nature of accident and surroundings; accidents while under the influence of alcohol; and the number of persons killed or injured, by category or road
… important statistical information for those involved in transportation planning and road safety issues. Download PDF  (French version) … Statistiques des accidents de la circulation routière en …
- English
The revised fourth edition of the Blue Book continues to provide precise information about the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) as serviced by the ECE Sustainable Transport  Division: on its history, its administrative and legal framework as a guide for users, and
… Regulations (WP.29) as serviced by the ECE Sustainable Transport Division: on its history, its administrative and … lives in the areas of environment, transport, trade, statistics, energy, forestry, housing, and land management, …
ЕПСВВП содержат основные правила, применимые к движению по внутренним водным путям в регионе ЕЭК ООН, такие, как марки и шкалы осадки на судах, визуальную сигнализацию судов, звуковую сигнализацию и радиотелефонную связь, сигнализацию и судоходную обстановку водного пути, правила плавания,
… версию по адресу . … ЕПСВВП 5 - Европейские …
Les facteurs géographiques ne constituent qu.une partie du tableau. À l.heure actuelle, des accords commerciaux multilatéraux et régionaux majeurs (dans des régions économiques, des zones douanières, des zones de libre-échange ou des régions commerciales en développement) prévoient la baisse
… la circulation physique des marchandises, c.est-à-dire le transport effectif à l.intérieur des territoires souverains …
- Pусский
ADVANCED VERSION Low-carbon hydrogen deployment is crucial for achieving the Paris Agreement goals and for deep decarbonization in hard-to-abate sectors (in particular, in heavy long-distance transport, in the steel industry, fertilizer production, etc.). By the end of 2022, more than 70 countries
… Policy Review. March 2022. 28. IEA (2022data). Data and statistics. 29. IEA … :// Источник: UNFCCC National …
- Français
Le Programme des examens des performances environnementales de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe (CEE-ONU) évalue les progrès accomplis par les différents pays pour concilier leur développement économique et social avec la protection de l’environnement, tout en respectant les
… Hioui Mme Ghizlan Kaichouh Ministère de l’équipement et du transport Mme Zahrea Ouacifi M. Hassan Taleb Mme Nezha … des trois secteurs ciblés : le bâtiment, l'industrie et les transports. La réalisation des mesures du Programme peut …
- Pусский
The present publication contains the third Environmental Performance Review of Tajikistan. The report takes stock of progress made by the country in the management of its environment since 2010. It also covers issues of specific importance to the country related to legal and policy frameworks, the
… forests and protected areas, agriculture, energy, industry, transport, health and risk management of natural and …
- Pусский
The present publication contains the third Environmental Performance Review of Kazakhstan. The report takes stock of progress made by the country in the management of its environment since 2008. It covers legal and policy frameworks, greening the economy, environmental monitoring, and public
… Housing and Public Utilities 2015 – Committee on Statistics. ________ (2017). Household Energy Consumption … ________ (2017d). Promoting Clean Urban Public Transportation and Green Investment in Kazakhstan, Green …
- Pусский
The present publication contains the third Environmental Performance Review of Belarus. The report takes stock of progress made by Belarus in the management of its environment since the country was reviewed for the second time in 2005. It assesses the implementation of the recommendations made in
… book. Minsk, 2014. National Statistical Committee (2014). Transport and Communications in the Republic of Belarus, … Unlocking new opportunities. Jobs in green and healthy transport. Available from: …
Cutting road traffic deaths and injuries in half by 2020Download the publication here (Russian)The world has been paying serious attention to road safety since 2003, following a United Nations General Assembly Resolution on
… Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Inland Transport Committee (ITC) has been the “invisible hand” that …
- Pусский
The present publication contains the third Environmental Performance Review of Uzbekistan. The report examines the progress made by the country in the management of its environment since it was reviewed for the second time in in 2009–2010 and assesses the implementation of the recommendations made
… risks from Belt and Road Initiative investments in transportation infrastructure”, Policy Research Working … показатели за 2019 г.». См. чтобы экономический рост не сопровождался …
- English
The 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide an ambitious and comprehensive framework that opens new perspectives for policymaking and international cooperation. Its integrated character highlights the linkages and complementarities that exist between different goals and
… in the areas of its eight subprogrammes: environment, transport, statistics, economic cooperation and integration, …
- English
The UNECE region is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, responsible for 34% of the world’s CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. The people of the region are increasingly feeling the impacts of climate change - from wildfires to flooding, heatwaves and drought.  Through its norms,
… ozone precursors. � As the United Nations platform for transport by road, rail and inland waterway and custodian of … and help countries improve the availability of relevant statistics. � UNECE guidance puts the spotlight on the key …
- English
The  UNECE  region  is  a  major  source  of  greenhouse  gas emissions, responsible for 34% of the world’s CO2 emissions  from  fossil  fuel  combustion. The people of the region are increasingly feeling the impacts of  climate change - from wildfires to flooding, heatwaves and drought. Through 
… ozone precursors. As the United Nations platform for transport by road, rail and inland waterway and custodian of … and help countries improve the availability of relevant statistics. UNECE guidance puts the spotlight on the key …
- English
Amid multiple ongoing crises, UNECE’s 2023 SDGs status report revealed that the region was further away from achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development than it had been a year earlier. The 2023 Annual Report illustrates how UNECE is supporting countries to accelerate SDGs progress and
… land management and urban development � Population � Statistics � Trade � Transport Support to Ukraine Climate action Gender equality … tools, multilateral environmental agreements, cutting edge statistical work, and so much more. Honoured by my …
- English
… to use advanced methods to estimate emissions from the road transport sector, and assisted Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and … agreed Set of Core Climate Change-related Indicators and Statistics, along with a set of Implementation Guidelines, …