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Displaying Results 301 - 320 of 537

- English
Result of the first phase of the UNECE Dam Safety project The publication provides an overview and analysis of the present situation in Central Asia with regard to the safety of hydraulic structures such as dams. In addition to a list of all major dams in the region, the publication also
- Pусский
НАШИ ВОДЫ: ВОЗЬМЕМСЯ ЗА РУКИ МИНУЯ ГРАНИЦЫ "Наши воды: Возьмемся за руки минуя границы – первая оценка состояния трансграничных рек, озер и подземных вод", проведенная в рамках Конвенции по водам, – является первым углубленным докладом по проблемам трансграничных рек и озер во
- English
OUR WATERS: JOINING HANDS ACROSS BORDERS The first Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters has been carried out under the auspices of the Water Convention, under the overall leadership of Finland. It has been a joint undertaking of Governments and international and national
- Español
(Traducción no oficial) NACIONES UNIDASNueva York y Ginebra, 2007ECE/MP.WAT/22Download this Publication
- English
UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2007 ECE/MP.WAT/22Download the Publication in English,
- Pусский
Серия публикаций по водным проблемам № 4ECE/MP.WAT/16 Нью-Йорк и Женева, 2006 годDownload this Publication
- English
Water Series No. 4ECE/MP.WAT/16 New York and Geneva, 2006Download this Publication
- Pусский
Брошура о Протоколе по проблемам воды и здоровья ECE/CEP/NONE/2009/3 © ВОЗ, ЕЭК ООН, 2006Readmore
- English
Brochures about the Protocol on Water and HealthECE/CEP/NONE/2009/3 © WHO, UNECE, 2006Download this Publication
- Pусский
ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ОБЪЕДИНЕННЫХ НАЦИЙ Нью-Йорк и Женева, 2006 годDownload this Publication
- Español
Brochures about the Water Convention Nueva York y Ginebra, 2004Readmore
- English
Brochures about the Water Convention New York and Geneva, 2004Download this Publication in English, French,
- العربية
Brochures about the Water Convention New York and Geneva, 2004 In ArabicDownload this Publication
- 汉语
Brochures about the Water Convention New York and Geneva, 2004 In ChineseDownload this Publication