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Sixty-seventh session of the Specialized Section on Standardization of Dry and Dried Produce (GE.2)

15 June (15:00) - 17 June (18:00) 2020
on-line Geneva Switzerland

For intersessional approval

Session Documents

    Revised Agenda for webinar session

    Document Symbol Document Title ENG FRE RUS
    Item 1: Adoption of the agenda
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/1 Provisional Agenda and annotations PDF PDF PDF
    Item 2: Matters arising since the last session
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2019/2 Report of the 75th session of the Working Party PDF PDF PDF
    Item 3: Review of existing UNECE Standards
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/3 Recommendation for Prunes PDF PDF PDF
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/INF.1 Comments by the  US DOC - -
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/INF.2 Comments by Germany, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan DOC - -
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/INF.3 Document with all proposals/comments on Prunes  DOC - -
    Item 4: Development of new standards
    (a) Inshell Pecans
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/4 Draft Standard for Inshell Pecans PDF PDF PDF
    (b) Pecan Kernels
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/5 Draft Standard for Pecan Kernels PDF PDF PDF
    (c) Dried Persimmons
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/6 Proposal to develop new standard for dried Persimmons PDF - -
      Information related to proposal to develop standard for dried Persimmons PDF - PDF
    (d) Apricots Kernels
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/7 Proposal to develop new standard for Apricot Kernels PDF - -
      Information related to proposal to develop standard for Apricot Kernels PDF - PDF
    (e) Inshell Peanuts and Peanut Kernels
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/10 Proposal to develop new standard for Peanuts (inshell and kernels) PDF - -
      Information related to proposal to develop standard for Peanuts PDF   PDF
    Item 5: Results of the impact assessment survey in Central Asia
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/9 Report of the impact assessment survey in Central Asia PDF PDF PDF
      Results of the impact assessment survey in Central Asia PDF - -
    Item 6: Sampling plan for tree nuts and dried produce and guidelines for inspections of dry and dried produce 
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2019/20 Sampling plan for tree nuts and dried produce and guidelines for inspections of dry and dried produce PDF PDF PDF
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2019/21 Sampling plan - illustrative guide explanatory text PDF PDF PDF
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/INF.4 Sampling plan: Comments by the delegation from Turkey DOC - -
    Item 7: Revision of the Standard Layout
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/8 Proposal to amend the UNECE Standard Layout for Dry and Dried Produce PDF PDF PDF
    Item 8: Explanatory materials
      Dried apricots - explanatory guide PDF - -
      Comments by Turkey – Dried apricots – explanatory guide PDF - -
      Dried figs - poster PDF    
      Dried grapes - poster PDF    
      Walnut kernels - poster PDF    
      Cashew kernels - poster PDF    
      Prunes - poster PDF   PDF
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/INF.5 Explanatory material: proposed new note DOC    
    Item 9: Other business
    Item 10: Future work
    Item 10: Election of Officers
    Item 11: Adoption of the Report
    ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2020/2 Report of the Session PDF    
      List of Participants