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Sixty-second session of the Specialized Section on Standardization of Dry and Dried Produce (GE.2)

29 June - 03 July 2015
Izmir Türkiye


Document Symbol Document Title ENG FRE RUS
ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/GE.2/2015/1 Provisional Agenda and annotations PDF PDF PDF
ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/GE.2/2015/3 Revised Recommendation for Dried Apricots (proposals by Turkey) PDF PDF PDF


Revised Recommendation for Dried Apricots PDF    
ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/GE.2/2015/4 Revised Recommendation for Dried Figs (proposals by Turkey) PDF PDF PDF


Revised Recommendation for Dried Figs  PDF    
ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/GE.2/2015/5 Revised Recommendation for Dried Grapes (proposals by Turkey) PDF PDF PDF
ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/GE.2/2015/INF.2 Revised Recommendation for Dried Grapes PDF    
ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/GE.2/2015/7 Revised draft Standard for Inshell Pistachios (proposal by the delegation of the United States of America) PDF PDF PDF
ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/GE.2/2015/8 Revised draft Standard for Almond Kernels (proposals by the delegation of the United States of America) PDF PDF PDF
ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/GE.2/2015/9 Revised draft Standard for Walnut Kernels (proposals by the delegation of the United States of America) PDF PDF PDF


Agri-Food Supply Chains inCross-Border Trade of Nuts and Dried Fruit

     Workshop Program


1 July 2015

Cross-border agri-food supply chains – nuts and dried fruit

Overview – international trade in nuts and dried fruit - Mr. Giuseppe Calcagni

Turkey's dry and dried fruit - sectoral outlook - Mr. Nejat ALMIŞ

Overview Case studies: industry, export markets, future prospects, international projects - Central Asia

Uzbekistan - Mr. Sherzod Akbarov

Kyrgyzstan - Ms. Elvira Baijumanova

Afghanistan - Mr. Ahmad Zia SAYD

Quality legislation and requirements for nuts and dried fruit

UNECE Marketing standards - Ms.Liliana Annovazzi-Jakab

EU practice - Mr. Istvan Ecsedi

US Practice  - Mr. Jeremiah Szabo

Interpretation and application of quality standards

Quality Inspections at Export Stage for Dry and Dried Produce – the Turkish Practice - Mr. Emre Kiricioğlu

Food safety issues in the international trade of nuts and dried fruit

Mycotoxins, Codes of Practice, Codex Standards - Ms. Betül Vazgeçer

From farm to point of export - Business process analyses (BPAs) and prioritized action implementation

BPAs and their methodology - Mr. Salehin Khan

Organizing BPAs on country level - Case study: Dried Apricots in Tajikistan -Ms. Nozigul Khushvakhtova

2 July 2015

Study tour and practical training

Erbeyli Fig Research Institute - Dr. İlknur KÖSOĞLU

3 July 2015

Quality inspection systems - legal and technical infrastructure

Overview on how quality and food safety inspection systems are organized and work in EU countries - Mr. Istvan Ecsedi

Use of IT systems in export and import control systems (example Turkey) - Mr. Korkut Yavuz

Links between inspection systems and control agencies

SPS Inspections at Export Stage for Dry and Dried Produce Turkey - Mr. Hüseyin Çifçi

Interpretation of quality standards – Sampling

Overview of sampling and testing for the application of quality and conformity by inspection services - Ms. Ulrike Bickelmann

Interpretation of quality standards – OECD explanatory guides - Ms. Marie Russel

Quality management, export readiness and marketing

Marketing issues: export markets, marketing, and consumers – the example of dried grapes from Turkey - Mr. Cihat Koç

Quality production and management before export - Mr. Dorian LaFond

Pre-export quality, production and management-- Prof. Dr. Mrs. Uygun AKSOY




Intersessional approval / List of Participants / Report

Intersessional approval

UNECE Recommendation: Sampling plans for tree nuts and dried produce

Download LoP

List of participants

Report of the Session

 Report  ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/GE.2/2015/2     ENG      FRE      RUS