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ICES/UNECE Working meeting on management tools and standards in support of Sustainable Development Goal 14 ''Life below water''

09 - 11 October 2018
Reykjavik Iceland
ICES/UNECE Working meeting - October 2018

Agenda of the Meeting      Report

List of participants        Meeting Website at ICES


Icelandic fisheries management and the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI)
Dr. Sigurður Guðjónsson, General Director, MFRI

Overview of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
Dr. Wojciech Wawrzynski, Head of Science Support Department, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

UNECE work on risk-based regulatory systems
Lorenza Jachia, Secretary, UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies

The role of intergovernmental platform such as the Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans) in supporting SDG 14 ''Life below water''
Dr. Jacky Wood, Acting Executive Director, JPI Oceans Secretariat

Solving future problems today: training and capacity building in fisheries
Dr. Tumi Tómasson, Thor Ásgeirsson and Mary Frances Davidson, United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme (UNU-FTP)

Setting the Stage: Co-creating Ecosystem based Fisheries management Solutions, lessons learned from the MareFrame project
Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir, Chief Research Officer of Research & Innovation, Matís

International and national legal and regulatory context
Andrew Minkiewicz, Partner, Kelley Drye

Marine Management - Is an integrated approach to achieve SDG 14 targets possible?
Prof. Michael Elliott and Suzanne Boyes, Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies (IECS) and University of Hull, UK

Economic aspects of action and inaction on the SDG 14
Simon Webb, The Nichols Group

Key risk indicators, key control indicators and key performance indicators (presentation) (VIDEO)
Markus Krebsz, FRSA and Dr. Gary van Vuuren, North West University

Assessing and managing risks of achieving SDG 14 targets
Roland Cormier, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany and Paul Taylor, Independent Consultant, United Kingdom


The meeting showcased scientific and technical research on the effectiveness of existing regulatory measures, including both cross-sectoral and sector-specific approaches, for the achievement of the SDG 14 goal and its targets. Particular emphasis will be given to operational activities and ways to operationalize ecosystem-based management.

Who participated?
The meeting brought together stakeholders as well as experts from different disciplines, including regulatory authorities, policy-makers, the private sector, civil society, international organizations, and academia. It presented a unique opportunity for managers, policy developers and researchers to:

  • review state of the art risk management approaches and ecosystem approaches and apply them within the context of regulatory measures and voluntary standardization;
  • identify key risks related to marine resources, especially in relation to lives and livelihoods;
  • assess current sector-specific regulatory frameworks and their effectiveness for conservation and sustainability strategies;
  • single out areas where  improved technical knowledge and research are needed to support sector-specific technical regulatory measures to achieve the targets of the SDG 14 and
  • develop specific proposals for the application of risk management processes to regulatory frameworks as well as standards, and codes of good practice.

Outcome of the Working meeting
The meeting elaborated recommendations for ICES as to the type of scientific and technical advice needed for technical measures and for UNECE as to the use of risk management processes and institutional support needed to improve regulatory frameworks to achieve SDG14 targets.

The meeting was structured along four theme sessions. 
The theme sessions were as follows:

  • Linking the sector-specific measures and practices with conservation measures within an ecosystem-based approach needed to achieve SDG 14 targets​
  • The use of Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Key Risk Indicators (KRI) and Key Control Indicators (KCI) to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the management systems to achieve SDG 14 targets​
  • The role of governance, policy and stakeholder in establishing the risk management context and risk tolerances for technical measures in regulatory approaches to achieve SDG 14 targets​
  • The role of scientific and technical advisory processes in risk-based regulatory decision-making to ensure the independence of the advice​

Keynote papers authors set the stage for a structured discussion based on questions that will facilitate interaction among stakeholders.

Each session ended with a cross-disciplinary panel of policy experts, managers, regulators, scientists, and technical experts that will formulate recommendations from the lessons learned during the session.