At its 2022 meeting, the Specialized Section decided to set up a rapporteur’s group to conduct a review of the Specialized Section’s position papers. Following the review, at its 2023 session, the Specialized Section agreed to changes to several of its position papers. For the position on vigour of seed potatoes, following some discussion on its relevance, the Specialized Section concluded that more research would be required to properly update it.
This document consists of the text of the 2008 position of the Specialized Section on vigour of seed potatoes, with minor editorial changes proposed by the rapporteur’s group ahead of the 2023 session marked in underline and strike through. The Specialized Section is invited to discuss its position on vigour of seed potatoes, and to consider the establishment of the rapporteur’s group to review it. Delegations are invited to volunteer for the rapporteur’s group.