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The regulatory compliance of products with embedded artificial intelligence or other digital technologies

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2023-9-Compliance-AI_Eng.pdf (application/pdf, 335.06 KB)
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2023-9-Compliance-AI_Fre.pdf (application/pdf, 306.79 KB)
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2023-9-Compliance-AI_Rus.pdf (application/pdf, 319.6 KB)

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Products making use of artificial intelligence (AI) or other embedded digital technologies are used widely yet without universally agreed or accepted definitions and under varying regulatory frameworks. Regulatory frameworks are often established prior to the arrival and implementation of new technologies and fast developing new use cases. Hence, they may not be able to cater to the emerging risks posed by these products with embedded AI systems or other digital technologies.
Ethical and other societal concerns and negative impacts related to the use of products with embedded AI or other digital technologies continue to be addressed by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and other global initiatives. Such recommendations represent important complementary factors to consider in conjunction with the recommendations in this document as those concerns are closely related to technical regulation.
While this document generally covers products that make use of AI or other embedded digital technologies, products subject to domain-specific regulation may fall out of scope, e.g., specifically the following:
• Self-driving cars and autonomous wheeled vehicles
• Autonomous weapons and other military applications
• Standalone AI software platforms and generative AI not embedded in products